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Chen leisurely walked down the empty hallway swinging a neckless from his fingers a victorious expression prominent on his face . The demon finally got the bit of information he's been waiting for over 500 years . Heading towards a certain dorm door he thought about how easy it was to get the information from Kai . Sure the stories say that they always work together like some sort of couple but a fact that no one else knows is that they hate each other , so , so much . Put it simply Chen hates Kai and Kai will most likely try to murder Chen every chance he gets . But the two know it's next to impossible to kill each other . Or so they thought . It's true they do work together but that doesn't involve them being fond of each other .
Smiling Chen let's himself think about a scene that happened a few minutes back .

Flash back *
"Chen ,Touch him and I'll make sure your head isn't connected to your neck anymore" Kai said with a low voice . Chen's expression morphed into a smirk .
"Finally ! You decide show yourself  . What took you so long ? Couldn't fight the little pup ?" Chen asked mockingly .
"Shut up . A fool like you wouldn't
understand " Kai mutters .
"Of course I won't your highness "Chen mocked .
"Mocking me won't do you any good ,demon ." Kai retorts .
" enough blabber . I need the location right now " Chen said getting serious.
" what makes you think I would know ? And even if I did , why would I tell you ?" Kai said.
" I'm sure you know what I'm looking for and why you wouldn't tell me? If you don't I'll make sure that omega of yours won't live long to see your pups. Or is it Cubs ? I don't know ! Ive been
Locked away for about 500 years ! What do you want from me?!" Chen exclaims .
"You wouldn't dare " Kai says snarling at Chen.
"You know I won't hesitate and even if I kill him what are you going to do ? Kill me? You know you can't do that. But if I kill that boy , you won't be able to do anything . After all he's only a mortal " Chen's expression turning devious .
"Tell me exactly what you want " Kai mutters venom dripping from his words .
"Tell me how to find suho" Chen says in a low yet demanding voice .


End of flash back*

Triumph still evident on every move he makes ,the demon reaches the dorm room he's gotten to know so well . Opening the door he enters the fairly small room . On one of the beds a figure is perched on it petting a tiny puppy.
"Jongdae? Where did you go ? You're late " Minseok said looking at who he believes is Jongdae .
"Oh I've been out doing somethings I've been wanting to do for a long time" the latter says with a smile that doesn't look all that sweet .
"Oh , I see."was the reply he got .
"What's that doing here ?" Chen asks clearly implying to the puppy curled together in Minseok's arms.
"I told you about this . Jongdae you were the first to know " Minseok says confused as to why Jongdae seemed to have forgotten.
"Of course you did human " muttered Chen .
"Is everything alright ? You're acting strange Jongdae ."
"Of course everything's fine but there is one thing you should know ...that I'm not Jongdae "Chen says tilting his head .
"Huh?" Replied Minseok .
"Oh you poor thing you don't know about us do you ? .tsk tsk ,your friends didn't tell you ? About the creatures of the dark? That they are a part of it ?They didn't mention to you that they are different? That they are dangerous? And well...not human ?
They didn't tell you ? Of course they didn't . Because they don't want to hurt humans and scare them . Such a weak argument " Chen says to a ever confused Minseok.
"Your friends aren't human . Mortal ?sure but not human and I'm not your sweet little roommate but a demon who is feared by most and who has returned for revenge " Chen says ending with a lopsided grin .
The demon doesn't say anything more but simply walks over to the closet and grabs a fancy looking article of clothing and turns to waltz out of the room not before glancing at the unmoving human still sitting on the bed .

It doesn't work like that  (xiuchen,Kaihun)Where stories live. Discover now