What's changed

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Gohan was not sure he was going to do, but he was headed to where he felt of Cell...




Cell Black pulled down in the Sea of ​​Memories is unlikely to exist in his mind. He misses his twin brother, Mana. Mana has a face like perfact from of Cell, their eyes like, purple stripes on the cheeks as well. And they Gem black skull same. For something different, is his armor not the same as armor of Cell. But the memories that should not be true. Cell is not like himself in a perfact from. But he looked like a white lizard, covered with armor on chest, shoulders, back, wrists and his ankles. He and his brother looked like him in the mirror. And they looked like their mother.

so anyway.. They did not have life

Their grandfather kill them before they are born, because they are not perfect.

Their souls are not go away for this world, not to a new life. But they follow their mother everywhere - like seeking tenderness where they had been when were a fetus. Mother's cold outside, but in fact, they feel the tenderness. And I know they are nearby, why would they think that? He often referred to them in some time...


The busy like this, everyone treats their mother as a man. And he was acting like a man. He is the brother of the tyrant of the universe, and is the eldest son of his grandfather, the murder of his own grandsons. In fact, they should call him Dad? Ummmm... Cell does not think so. He wanted to called sameone as his father, apart from Gero Sama, it was, 'the blonde hair Brench name Saozer', he was the lover of their mother and now, make him was pregnant again. Incidentally, really, twins - like a second chance for them. In a clear desire for the mother of his children 'Mana' and 'Seru'.

And His little brother come to killed them again after his father!

Cell wake up from soon felt that his head was absent from the body. He was wheezing. Cell reviewing his dream. He seemed to remember his desire for the moment out of the glass tank of Dr. Gero. He want his perfact body and went looking for his parents.

But why not, he is a figure which has jurisdiction over this desire to dominate and led him to the Cell Game-- though he does not want to fight unnecessarily, what he needs is the perfect body to be was not killed by anyone again. After all, he would kill Son Goku to avenge his mother, who was killed in his time line. After that, he goes out to the world by his parents. Because as you know, in this time line, Coola - his mother did not come to avenge his brother blasted a kill of his own children.

He not only wants to know his father and his mother is still alive. But he wanted to get back to them as their children. He wants to hug his mother, who just want to hear him sing during the pregnancy. So.. it's all over, he would go from this planet, he would take his children too.

But someone is coming here....

Cell looked up at the sky and saw the boy --Son Gohan. The 7 Cell Jr. stop playing ball and look at him. Gohan looking around, confused. He does not feel of mind of killing, no effort is rampant. Cell's little babies turned away from him, and play, they have no idea what the victims want to enjoy a day when their father to kill his friends. Gohan plummet to the events that saw the death of everyone unawares. The boy was trembling in pain, confusion, and anger. He turned to SSJ1, down to earth slowly.

Cell does not move ... But he felt the power of the rapid rise of the boy. Than he is in the Cell Game.

"Why ... why are you still here? Why do not you go out and give death to the people of the world." Gohan asked, he answers without a hope for answer. But the answer from the mouth of the bio-android, it comes as a response to the tone calm and smooth.

"That's because ... I don't want to do that."

"You don't want to do"

"I don't want to kill people unnecessarily."

I killed so many people before have this perfect body - for save my life...

"You do not want to do?" The boy gasp, he looked around and smiled like an idiot. "How dare you talk like that, after..." spin his green eyes staring at the green bio-android "After you kill all!!!"

Gohan leapt toward him like a beast, he swung his fists down on the beautiful face of Cell, again, again, and again. The 7 Cell jr had fallen into fear and panic, while the boy punched over and over on the face, chest, and stomach of Cell. They leapt toward Gohan, to save the one who gave birth to them. And Gohan, his strength his punches the the first little blue monster, and its head of splashes. These little monsters shock for what happened. They had no idea that boys are more energetic like this, because he did not show them to his authority. And the more they saw of their father's battered, and it made them aware of the seriousness of the situation. What seemed like a small child trying to seize the organs of Gohan, to stop his brutality.


Gohan blow out his emotions and become SSJ2, it is full of anger, mixed with confusion. He swung a fist around the handle and a small blue creatures quickly, the electricity running through it around. Ahmad and his body. Cell stunned at what happened for a while, this is what he was trying to hide it? Once the last child of his was going to be eliminated, he sailed for the boy to stop it. Before he was kicked in the face and bounced and skidded to the ground.

And Gohan stop it, he was awakened by intense emotions and anger that he believes he can not control.

"DAD! DAD!!" little Cell Jr., who was the last remaining among his brothers cruised to find out who gave birth to him, trying to shake him, before turning to the enemy, who killed his all brothers. The little bio-android is now almost no different from the toddler in the sense of Gohan, spread out his arms to show the protection of "Do not! Do not hurt my dad! You are a bad person!"

Gohan was stunned... He become obscurity, which he could not explain.

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