Chapter Seventeen || Happy Bday Alyssa pt2

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After my shower I sat down so kylie could do my hair. "Here you go" brogan said handing a box. "Awe thank you" I said than opened it. Inside was a picture frame of a collage of all our pictures. Memories from concerts, Kylie's sweet 16, Jadens birthday, City walk with Zac Mann and Brandon. "Awe brogan this is amazing, I love it and I love you gringa" I said, she smiled and hugged me. I love you too" she said, I smiled and jordyn walked in my room.

"Uh the guys wanna see you" she said, I looked up at Kylie. "Be right back, brogan do her make up please" ky said then walked out. While brogan was doing my make up my mom came in my room. "Give us a minute girls" my mom said, brogan and jordyn nodded and left. "You look beautful" my mom said, I turned around and faced my mirror. My hair was waved curls and my make up looked just likes kylies, it was nice.

"What's up mom?" I asked,my mom sat down on my bed. "Your dad will be staying with you for a while to take care of some things out here" she said, I nodded. "And?" I asked, she sighed. "I'm going to Russia for two weeks and I wanted to say goodbye tonight since I leave early tomorrow" she said, I nodded. "Alyssa I do love you honey, I know I haven't been the best mother but I love you more than you could imagine" she said, I smiled. "Just don't grow up to fast my love, it just gets harder" she said then walked out, I sighed at her remark.

I changed into my new high waisted shorts and black muscle tee then put on my new sparkly black toms. "Your dad wants to know if you want hot dogs or hamburgers?" Jordyn asked, I shrugged and she nodded. I fixed my hair in the mirror once more when there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I said, the door opened and in came Moises. "You look perfect" he said, I smiled and he stepped closer to me.

"Happy Birthday Alyssa" he said holding out a small box. I opened it and inside was a vintage camera. "Is this yours?" I asked, Moi chuckled and shook his head. "No but it's the same as mine, I've been looking for it for a while and I finally found it" he said, I smiled and hugged him. "I love you so much" I said, he chuckled and kissed my cheek. "I love you too Alyssa" he said, I held on tighter knowing that if I let go this moment would be over. And just like that it was.

I'm not Kylie, I don't like big parties so instead of having a big ass sweet 16 were having a cookout. "You look beautiful" spencer said walking out the boys room, I smiled and kissed him. "You look amazing" I said, his cheeks turned red and I smiled and grabbed his hand. Everybody was on the balcony talking and my dad was cooking. "Max went to pick up the cake" my dad said, I nodded and sat down next to my friends.

"You guys remember when we went to new york?" kylie asked, we all groaned. "Omg and we got chased for like five blocks" I said, she nodded. "Then we got lost!" moi added, we laughed. "Yeah but eventually we found our way home" Mateo said, I nodded. "We always do" I said, he nodded. "We came home at 4 and we were so tired we cancelled out meet and great" Jaden said, I nodded remembering how mad our fans were.

When the food was done we sat down inside to eat. "We have to go back to New York" Moises said, I nodded. "The penthouse is free" my dad said, kylie smiled. "We should go from thanksgiving" she said, I nodded. "That was the plan" I said, she smiled. "Were coming" Mateo said, I nodded and looked at spencer who looked mad and sad.

"So since I'm sure all gifts have been given to you we have one more" Jaden said, him and the boys stood up and ran into the room. "Before they come back I wanna give you this" Max said, I smiled and reached for the box. "Don't open it now, we gotta talk first" he said, I nodded and before I could say something the boys ran back into the room.

"A few years ago I met you and lemme tell you I was intimidated. Standing in front of me was this gorgeous smart sassy girl, you could see the fire in her eyes and when she talked about the things she loved you would instantly smile" Jaden said, I smiled. "Then we met you, and got were we impressed. I thought you were amazing the way you could make anyone happy and brighten up anyone's day" Moises said, tears began rising in my eyes. "Then finally I met you and i swear I was in awe. You always had a plan, always made things better Alyssa" Mateo said, tears rolled down my cheek and spencer grabbed my hand.

"And now we sit here and look at the amazing girl you have become and we couldn't ask for a better friend" Jaden said. "You stood by us when we had this crazy idea to start up the MSFTS" Moi said. "Through thick and thin we could always count on you" Teo said, I smiled. "Today the day you turn 16 is the day we pay you back for all the amazing memories" Jaden said, I smiled and the pulled out a huge box.

Inside was a MSFTS hoodie with the number 4 on it. A bracelet from Cartier with all four of our names carved into it and a scrap book of all our pictures and memories. "We love you Alyssa no matter what it's always been us four and it's always gonna be us four" Jaden said, I wiped away my tears and pulled them into a group hug. "i love you all so much, thank you so much" I said, they held me tight and I didn't want to let go.

After that emotional moment Max brought out the cake. While everybody sang to me spencer slipped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. "I love you" he whispered in my ear, I smiled and blew out my candles. "Babe" spencer said, I turned around and he wiped frosting on my face. "Real great" I said giggling, he laughed and I wiped some off my face and put it on his. "Now were twins" I said, he laughed and kissed me. "Lyssa" max called out, I looked up and he pointed to the balcony.

We were outside alone leaving over the balcony when max finally talked. "I'm going home for a while Lyssa" he said, I took a step back and shook my head. "No" was all I could say, he sighed and stepped closer to me. "I'll be back okay I just I need to go live my life lyss, I can't live off your dads money forever" he said, I shook my head and he pulled into his arms. "I promise I'll call and FaceTime I'm not leaving you okay?" he said, I nodded and he held me tighter. "I love you so much munchkin and I promise I'll be back for thanksgiving and Christmas and all those holidays okay?" he said, I nodded and pulled away. "Come back soon okay?" I asked, he nodded and kissed my forehead. "I love you Alyssa, make me proud" he said, I nodded and he walked inside.

"Babe" spencer said, I looked up and he sat next to me. "What's wrong?" He asked, I shrugged. "Max is leaving and I don't know what to do" I said, spencer sighed and grabbed my hand. "I'm here it's okay, were all here" he said, I nodded and stood up. I wiped my face then forced a smile. "Come on" I said grabbing his hand, he smiled and got up. He kissed my temple and leaned his forehead on mine. "It's gonna be fine, okay?" he said, I nodded and walked back inside.

"Where are my parents?" I asked, Jaden smirked. "They went out" he said, I smiled. As if max read my mind he pulled out a big bottle of absolute vodka. "Time to turn up" he said, I nodded and he poured shots. "To Alyssa, we love you baby girl" Jordyn said, I smiled and took my shot. That was just the beginning of a night I wouldn't remember.

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