Chapter Seventy-Eight || Getty

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"Why did I just get a text from Ken asking if were having a party?" Sofia asked as we laid side by side. Somehow during the middle of the night I found myself crawling into her bed, now here we are and it's half past noon.

"I didn't know we were, it's supposed to be a chill night" I said.

She nodded. "I know"

"Let me go ask the animals" I sighed then got out of bed.

We have completed weekend one of Coachella and it was so much fun I'm so excited for weekend two! We went crazy and surprisingly during the whole weekend I was the only one, aside from Sofia, who didn't drink or smoke. Only because Miles asked me not to of course. Now it was Wednesday and we planned to have a relaxing day but clearly the boys had other motives.

"Morning" Joey said as I walked in the kitchen. Him and all the guys were spread around the kitchen cooking breakfast for Sofia, Bella, Bianca and I.

"Why are you all telling people were having a party?" I asked.

"Because we are" Miles said without looking at me. "Actually it's a getty"

"Actually" I said. "We were supposed to have a chill day since we've been doing so much these last few days"

He nodded. "Right but Kylie texted us and said they're back down here with the guys so we just decided why the hell not"

I nodded. "Whatever fine, where's max?"

"In his room" Miles said. "But he has a guest"

I cringed. "Gross"

"You can't be the only one who can fuck in this house" Max said which made me jump.

I turned around and sighed. "Stop"

He lightly chuckled. "Im gonna drive Melissa home to get some things but I'll be back in time for your...getty"

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"Sure" he shrugged. "When hell freezes over"

I sighed then turned back to Miles. "I'm going back to bed"

When I got upstairs Bella was in bed with Sofia and the shower was on so I figured Bianca was in there. I actually enjoyed Bella and Bianca's company, I never really liked Bianca which is odd because she's related to Sofia and Miles but after spending these last few days with her I actually really like her. She has a cray energetic yet mellow personality that anybody could vibe with.

"So we're having a party?" Bella asked.

"Sadly yes" I frowned then climbed in bed with them. "I'm not in the mood to see Kylie"

"Well get in the mood" Bella giggled then grabbed my hand.

I chuckled. "I gotta go get eyebrows done"

"So let's leave" Sofia said then sat up. "Since the guys wanna have the party let then handle all of it"

I smiled. "That's fine with me"

"Bianca hurry up!" Bella yelled loud enough for Bianca hear.

Thirty minutes later we were out. We looked a hot mess, I was in Miles t-shirt which was way too big for me, I had shorts under but you couldn't see them. My hair was down but messy which I guess looked good, I had no makeup on and some super faded black toms on. Although we looked a mess we were a mess all together and that's all that matters. Our first stop was the nail salon.

"Are you getting your nails done?" Bianca asked me.

"I never get my nails done" I said and it was the truth, I only do them for special occasions. But my eyebrows were a mess so I defiantly needed them to get done. I followed the cutest Asian lady to the Val of the salon then sat down so she could fix my mess. While the wax heated I got a call from Stas.

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