Chapter Thirty-Nine || Thanksgiving

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A/N: So it is currently 3:20 in the morning and I can't sleep so I thought Id write. So a few things to tell you about first I only have like 3 days left of break so I'm gonna try and update a lot bc when schools starts I have to focus on school. Second I know I was supposed to write about Enrique's birthday but that won't happen till after NYE. The next birthday that will be happening is Spencer's. Finally there will be a third, I'll tell you more info about that later*


When I woke up I smelled food and heard talking. "Hey" Spencer said when he walked in my room, I smiled. "Whose here?" I asked, he shrugged. "Your dads friends" he said, I nodded and kissed him. "I gotta shower but wait here?" I asked, he nodded and kissed my forehead. "Happy thanksgiving baby" he said, I smiled. "Happy thanksgiving my love" I said then walked into my bathroom.

When I can out I was in a bra and underwear and spencer was still in my room. "Wow, you're perfect" he said, I chuckled. "Oh shut up" I said, he smiled and walked over to me. "You're teasing me" he said quietly. His hand was on my stomach and it gave me chills. "Two can play that game" he said then kissed me. While we were kissing he pinned up against the wall then picked me up. "I could fuck you right now" he said, I smirked. "But you wont" I said, he chuckled and kissed my chest. "Who says?" he asked, I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair.

"You want it so badly then take it" I said, he chuckled. "I would but you look like a screamer" he said then put me down, I giggled and kissed his chest. "Go change before I change my mind" spencer said, I laughed and slipped into a black sleeveless peplum dress that had a lace sweat heart top, red lipstick, black platform pumps from Christian Louboutan. I curled my hair then did my make up then went downstairs. "Alyssa" My dad said, I smiled. "Everybody is in the kitchen" he said, I nodded and followed him in.

After saying hi to a few of my dads friends the bell rang. "Excuse me" I said then went to open the door. "Hey" Brandon said, I was quiet. He cut his long brown hair into a short cut, his green eyes matched his green sweater. He had gotten taller, he was still taller then me even tho I had heels on. On his arm was a gorgeous girl with black hair like me but she has Hazel eyes, she was so pretty. "Don't remember your own brother?" Brandon asked, I just stared at him. "Lyss who is it?" My dad asked as he walked up to me.

"Brandon" he said just as shocked as I was. "Dad always the pleasure" Brandon said, my dad chuckled and pulled him into a hug. "I've missed you" my dad said, Brandon chuckled. "I've missed you more dad" he said when he pulled away. "This is Sophie my girlfriend" Brandon said, sophia smiled as my dad pulled her into a hug. "Alyssa gonna hug me?" Brandon asked, I just stood there. "Excuse me I need go get spencer" I said, they all gave me strange looks then I rushed up stairs.

"Whose here now?" spencer asked as he was trying to button up his shirt. "Brandon" I said still in shock. "What?" spencer asked, I nodded. "He's here" I said, spencer chuckled. "You okay?" he asked, I shrugged. "How would you react when your brother who walked out your life a year ago just shows up?" I asked, spencer sighed. "It's okay" he said, I nodded. In these heels I was almost Spencer's height. "Lets go say hi" spencer said, I nodded and kissed him. "Okay" I said then grabbed his hand and went downstairs.

"You must be spencer?" Brandon asked when we walked into the kitchen, spencer nodded and shook his head. "I'm Brandon, this is Sophie" Brandon said, spencer smiled. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you" Spencer said, I smiled and squeezed his hand. "I'm sure alyssa doesn't talk about me" Brandon said, spencer chuckled. "Not much, but I've heard great things" spencer lied, Brandon chuckled. "Like what?" he asked, spencer looked at me.

"Like how you left me to go travel" I said, spencer looked at me and so did my dad and Sophie. "Alyssa" My dad said, I sighed. "Sorry that wasn't nice" I said, Brandon chuckled. "Lyssa I tried calling" he said, I shook my head. "I don't wanna talk about it, mom will be happy to see you" I said, he nodded. "Yeah she'll probably cry" he said, I chuckled. "Well her favorite is finally home" I said, again everybody shot me a look. "Uh wow sorry that wasn't supposed to be said outloud" I said, Brandon chuckled and shook his head. "Alyssa go set the table with spence" my dad said, I nodded and grabbed Spencer's hand as we walked out.

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