School Blues (Sequel to How we Met)

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Hey people! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, but I have been pretty busy and stuff. One of things being because I GRADUATED!!!!!🎉 NO MORE GRADE EIGHT FOR ME!!!!!! NO MORE DYSFUNCTIONAL CLASS OF TEN! Yay me!🙂

So I know you people have wanted the sequel or part 2 of one of my previous one shots, "How we Met", so here it is, after a longtime of waiting. I apologize once more for that. But I'm back now and I'll try to make my updates more frequent, Kay? Now  without any further ado, here's oneshot number 11! Hope you enjoy!

Synopsis: Noah (now 13) narrates on his and Richelle's experiences at school.

Noah's P.O.V:

It was finally summer vacation. Of course, there was still dance, but school's gone for a solid two months so Richelle and I are happy. Richelle: my Best, closest, and greatest friend. We've been friends for almost seven years now and honestly, those seven years have been the greatest seven years of my life.

I remember when she stood up to those bullies for me the first time we met; then I stood up to them for her. This was the spark of the loyalty we have in our friendship. She didn't have to stick up for me their; she didn't have to become my best friend; but she did. Because she chose to. A choice I am ever so grateful for. A choice that changed my life for the better.

Of course I still have bully problems once and a while. I mean I am known as the loser of our school. Oh, that and "ballet boy". I really don't have any other friends than Richelle. Or at least I didn't until she convinced me to socialize more with the other boys and girls at dance. Truth to be told, I didn't want to at first because I was afraid of showing hem who I really am. Usually when people figure out who I really am the don't like me. It's always been like that. But when Richelle came along, that all changed. Thanks to her, I'm friends with pretty much all the J-Troupers in our dance studio, The Next Step. But my friendship with them is nowhere near the level Of mine and Richelle's.

Still, that doesn't mean I don't have problems at school. I'm apparently really smart (according to Richelle, even though we both know I can be pretty absentminded most of the time), and that makes me an "easy target" for the other kids to pick on. However it's usually just teasing, taunting, and name calling these days. Now I think I was born with it, but I have this thing where I have I guess you could say 'heightened senses and awareness of surroundings' meaning it's usually hard for people to throw things at me or try to sneak up on me to attack me because I can sense them. I'm also pretty quick as well.

It's a rather useful and helpful ability/abilities to have. I'm the master at dodgeball and especially Doctor dodgeball at school. I'm always picked as the doctor. After the first five rounds we've ever played, the other team knew it was me and started singling me out. But my team still managed to win. I'm not exactly the greatest at throwing but Richelle is. Everybody quickly learned that the first time she came to my school and had her first gym class with us. She's also pretty speedy herself. Together, we won our team the game by ourselves, even though at one point everyone from the other team threw their balls at me all at the same time (A/N: it's only weird if you make it weird). I still managed to dodge all of them though, and kept Richelle safest she could retaliate. Everyone's jaw dropped wide. It's was pretty hilarious to see.

We make an unstoppable team: she throws, I either revive, or keep her alive. I also catch well too. That drives everyone nuts. One guy even kept throwing balls at me all the way to the "out" line. I dodged them all though, so then he tried to attack me but Richelle whipped a ball at him at baseball pitcher speed. It got him right in the stomach and even though these balls are plush and practically painless, it still left a bruise. Of course Richelle got a detention as did the other guy (but for a week), but she said it was still all worth it. It really was.

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