Prologue. - The Hall.

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Caretaker’s POV – Thursday 12th June 2007 – 18:58

Thank goodness parents evening had drawn to a close! I don’t think I could have waited any longer to lock up. I just wanted to clear up all of these plastic cups and rubbish and get home.  Three women were eyeing each other up in the far classroom, then the three of them vanished down the corridor and I didn’t see them for the rest of the night. I stood leaning on the music box, one hand on my hip and the other tapping on the box. I studied the hall for a while, waiting for the last few people to say their goodbyes to the Head Teacher, Adam, as the last few parents and children left, Adam threw me the look of annoyance and relief.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Adam.” I laughed.

“Alright, thanks for today Harry.” Adam chuckled as he left the main doors.

About half an hour later I had finished clearing up the hall and putting away the tables, and then took one last glance behind my shoulder as I cancelled down all the lights, the hall was plunged into darkness. I locked both of the double doors and went round the back to lock all of the back gates and entrances to the school. I whistled and twirled my keys around my fingers as I walked back home.


Can't wait till Christmas! We put up the tree today :D yay! Can't wait to do the shopping either! :) Merry Christmas everyone!! *<[:{)  Sorry for the short prologue, the chapters will be longer than this! This story took me a while to write and adapt, but it was worth it!

- Emily x

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