Chapter 2. - The Hall.

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Chapter 2.

 Felicity's POV - Thursday 12th June 2007 - 19:47

 I seriously and truly hated this cow-bag called "Lola". She was so snobby it was unbelievable! But I was glad Melissa was with me to hold me back. As soon as Lola had walked out through the bathroom door she stopped. Blocking both mine and Melissa's view with her stupid fat furry coat.

 "MOVE!" I exclaimed, pushing her to the left. She looked shocked and appalled at me. Ah well. As soon as I walked out I stopped as quick as Lola did, I looked around. Puzzled. Everyone had gone. Poof. Left us. Locked in the school.

 "Well..." was all I could muster out.

 "Oh dear..." Melissa spluttered out after me. Lola on the other hand stood silent and blank for a moment. Then she got down on her knees.

 "I'M STUCK WITH THESE TWO!? GOD HELP ME!" she screamed in her annoying high pitched voice. I gave her the look which said "What the hell are you doing? Get up. Moron." I think she got the idea that I was fed up with her childish behaviour.

 "Damn." I muttered as I checked my phone. No signal. It was never reliable in situations in when I needed it. Lola saw me check my phone so she decided to check hers. She pulled out of her coat pocket a flashy expensive phone and made sure to rub it under my nose.

 "Me neither, that's strange... My phone never lets me down." Lola sighed. As Lola put hers back in her pocket, Melissa then pulled out hers to check it.

 "Completely Dead." Melissa replied, trying to switch her phone on again and again, no luck.

I walked over to turn all the lights back on to liven up this old school, and so that we could see what we were doing.

 Half an hour later, Melissa coughed every couple of seconds, she does that. She hates awkward silences. Always has. I kept putting my hand on my stomach to try and stop the baby from kicking her way through my stomach!

 "If you're going to keep coughing, you can die." Lola snapped, making me jump and scaring the hell out of Melissa.

 "Shut up." I warned as she glared back at me. I can tell by the end of the night, Lola is going to end up dead if she carries on acting the way she does around me!

 "Hey! Calm down. I'm not having another argument between you two! I'm bored. What should we do?" Melissa asked. Pushing her face in front of mine so I broke off my evil stare at Lola, who was sat messing with her hair.

"I know! Let's sit in silence and do nothing!" Lola exclaimed, clapping her hands and getting comfortable again on the floor. Melissa gave her a confused look as she carried on thinking.

 "No." Melissa said, bluntly, not making eye contact with Lola. "Oh! I know! Let's do Bloody Mary!" Melissa continued. She always had a thing for ghosts.

 "OH GOD NO!" Lola shouted. Lola is beginning to pee me off. Big time.

 "I'm hungry you know." I thought out loud, as I stared down at my ancestor’s necklace, playing with it and letting it drop through my fingers. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Lola staring at it. By her face I bet she thought that I had stolen it. So judgemental.

 "Why not? It'll pass the time! Plus, it never works!" Melissa carried on, as if she didn't hear me.

 "Because I'm not ten!" Lola replied. Melissa rolled her eyes and stood up, signalling me to come with her. I jumped up and ran after her. My Uggs weren't the best for running in though.

 "Well we're going, so have fun in here... Alone!" I shouted back to Lola, who was still sat on the floor. I saw her look around, as if she was scared. Then she trotted into the toilets with us. I smirked. She was such a baby.


I'll be uploading these one after another, so there won't be any long waits for this story to finish. I've already proof-read all the chapters as well, which rocks. 

-Emily x

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