Chapter 10. - The School Field.

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Chapter 10.

Lola's POV - Friday 13th June 2007 - 06:56

The sound of soft whistles of birds woke me with a start. My head was pounding. I looked around and found myself lying in the middle of the school playing field. I checked my body for any cuts, scars or bruises. Nothing. I opened my pocked and pulled out my mirror, the top half of it was all cracked and broken, but the bottom half wasn't. I checked my face and it was normal, no scratches.

I ran back to the school doors, to my surprise, they were open. I jogged into the hall and back to the place where we left Melissa, I was scared to enter the room alone, but I needed to find out where she was. She was still lying there, so I left the room and went to find Felicity. My guess was she was still in the staff room, either eating biscuits or drinking tea.

As I entered the staff room and looked around. Hoping to see Felicity sat there with a cup of tea in her hand smiling at me. She wasn't sat on any of the seats so my eyes darted to the floor. My heart stopped. There she was. As beautiful as ever clutching her stomach. I burst into tears. I stroked her lifeless face and silently cried. I lifted my head up and reached my hand into my other pocket. I pulled out her necklace and put it around her neck. I tucked her hair behind her ear and turned to leave. I dug deeper in my pocked for my phone, as I stepped outside I rang the police and Anthony.

The police were there in a matter of minutes, I looked down the driveway to see Anthony running down. I smiled and leaped into his arms. My emotions were all over the place. I was happy and sad at the same time. I wanted to get out of that place; as soon as the questions from the police were over I walked out of that place, transferred Penelope to a different school and moved house. I never wanted to return there again.


Well! That's just about the end of this story :( got the epilogue to upload then I'm done! I had soooo much fun writing this! :D

- Emily x

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