Chapter 5. - The Library.

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Chapter 5.

Melissa's POV - Thursday 12th June 2007 - 20:56

When Lola and Felicity were having an argument, I wasn't sure whether to interrupt them and tell them what I saw, I swear it was a shadow of a girl flurrying to the other side of the room. She had long black hair that covered most of her pale face. She reminded me of something out of a horror movie. I wasn't sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me, so I didn't tell them.

 As we were splitting up, I couldn't help but think that this was the stupidest idea ever; shouldn't we have stayed together at a time like this? I hate the fact that I did Bloody Mary on a night like this! I walked over towards the library, carrying my bright yellow sign.

"Okay Melissa. Come on. We can do this." I encouraged myself. I took a deep breath in and entered the pitch-black library.

I entered the library and found books and furniture strewn over the floor. I'm sure the school wouldn't leave it in this condition, and we haven't been in here all night.

 "Hello?" I boldly asked. But got no reply, I got freaked out, so I turned to leave.

 I saw through the door's glass windows that Lola and Felicity had already returned, so I walked to the door. I felt something tug my hair from behind, so I turned around flailing my arms, and the wet floor sign, to find nothing there. I looked around the trashed, dark lit room to see nobody there. I started to walk to the door again, but this time I felt another invisible force grab my neck from in front of me. I started to thrash my sign around and tried to squeak out Felicity's name. I was doomed. I spun around; I lost balance and cut my head open on a bookshelf. It hurt like hell. The pain was unbearable and I knew I was going to die.

 "AGGGHHH!!!" I squeaked as loud as possible. That invisible force wouldn't let go of my throat. I felt my rich blood oozing from the wound. The last thing I saw was Felicity arguing with Lola. Those two would never agree. I felt my eyes close because of the amount of blood pouring down my face, covering my sight. All I could think about was my little Oscar smiling at me standing next to Riley. I smiled as I felt my life slip away from me.

Bye-bye Oscar. Mummy loves you.


Awww! Poor Oscar and Riley! Bless them! Don't say I didn't warn you though! you were the one who read this chapter! I told you! Anyway I hope you liked it :L

- Emily x

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