What the fuck you trying to do?

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(Just listen to song xDD)

Abby P.O.V.

We burst through the house door and I signaled for everyone to give No Mercy!

I brought out my fangs and hissed at the chump in front of me that's growling. He grinned from ear to ear and bit me.

He ran up and bit me, waiting for me to roll around in pain.

"I'm a hybrid idiot." I spat. He had a look of horror wash over his face and decided to run.

I zipped in front of him and snapped his neck. Easy kill...

I walked up the stairs to where the stronger wolves are.
I got bored with fighting them so I just took out my 44 magnum.

I shot 2 wolves and 1 vamp, that is also the mate of a werewolf...Huh...

I walked up to the door with Rhyan's name on it and shot the 2 guards that guarded it.

I banged on the door, only to hear moans and panting coming from the room.
"Oh Kasey Fuck!" Rhyan moaned.

I made a disgusted face and gagged at the sound.

Niall came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"The wolves inside have been taken care of." He said.

I smiled and nodded my head, giving him a peck on the lips.

I kicked at the door and tried to bust it down, but it was no use.

"Try thinking about someone torturing Flower, or me cheating on you..." Niall said sheepishly.

I growled and kicked the door in off it's hinges.

Rhyan and Kasey looked at me with wide eyes and we just walked in.
"How the fuck did you break down the door?!" Rhyan growled.

"I'm a hybrid dumb ass!" I hissed.

He just smirked and nodded his head.

"You've gotten bad-ass huh Abz?" He said sarcastically.

I just nodded and Niall went over and sat down on Rhyan's couch, sending him a cold glare.

"Ahhaha! So you're the guy who got my sloppy seconds." Rhyan spat.

Niall just hissed at Rhyan and glared

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Niall just hissed at Rhyan and glared.

Rhyan scoffed and shook his head.
"Enjoy her screaming my name when she comes." He insulted.

Niall narrowed his eyes and smirked.
"Enjoy knowing now that she faked her orgasms."Niall spat.

"At least I got a monster cock!" Rhyan laughed.

"Oh please! I wear heels bigger than your dick...And I don't even wear heels." Niall cracked up.

I laughed my ass off and smirked at Rhyan.

"It's true." I laughed.

"Shut the fuck up!" Kasey snapped nervously.

I whipped my head towards her and narrowed my eyes.

"Honey...Maybe if you eat some of that makeup that's caked on your face, you would look pretty on the inside." I said.

Niall and Rhyan laughed, but Rhyan quickly stopped when Kasey glared at him.

"Where's my daughter?!" I growled.

Rhyan smirked and shook his head.

"She's gonna die in that room." He laughed.

I closed my eyes and opened them back up.

"Where is Flower?" I hypnotalically asked

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"Where is Flower?" I hypnotalically asked.

He had a straight face on and widened his eyes.
"In the basement..." He said, looking lost.

I smiled and my eyes went back to normal.
"Thanks!" I smiled.

I whipped out my 44 magnum and shot Kasey in the head and whipped over to Rhyan and snapped his neck.

"This ain't no fucking movie...You're gonna be dead like you should be." I said.

I looked at Niall and we zipped out of the room, down to the basement.

Niall busted open the...Metal door? Damn strong one he is!

"Baby?" He cooed.

I saw my daughter in the corner of the room, hugging her dirty Oscar close to her body.

She was covered in filth!

"Papi?" Her soft voice cracked.


-wiggles eyebrows- What ya think -3-

I know i'm terrible xDD

Bye guys! Update later today!

Kawaii Face! ^3^

(Word count: 584)

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