chapter 8

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Romans point of view:

After AJ left I turn to my boys "Alright so now that the girls are gone what's the real reason you two are here?" Make no mistake I know the girls are by no means weak paige is actually one of our strongest and that's why I let her go alone with april. "Well, first hunter is back." Seth tell me "second I heard that dolph is scheming to get back at you and get aj" Dean say calmly. "If he thinks of touching a hair on her head he's gonna have a nice bullet in his. As for Hunter well I suppose it's time to have a meeting" they both nod. "So, I take it last night was a good night." Dean says with a smirk seth rolls his eyes and smacks dean upside his head "do you ever learn babe?" Seth says to him and dean procedes to pout. "Thank you seth, and yes it was a very good night" I say with a smirk. Suddenly my phone goes off "reigns speaking" "roman we may have a slight problem" paige say. Oh I already know im not going to be happy about this "paige , what happened" I say trying to remain calm "well dolph may have tried to um how do I put this he tried to rape aj while I was in the bathroom." "HE TRIED WHAT?" "I came back just in time to stop him but aj also had the situation handled because she had a knife at his throat." I smirk proud of my girl "get her home. Now." The front door opens I turn and theres april slightly shaken up. "Ro? Please say your not mad at me." She looks up at me with her doe eyes and i just hug her. "No babe im not mad I am proud of you though. How ever dolph is going to have a certain suprise soon." I take her to our room and let her lay down. I go back downstairs  and see dean and seths curious looks "OK just so you two know this dolph tried to rape AJ." Dean and seth are looking like they want to kill so does paige for the matter. "Hounds call the rest we are having a meeting tonight. But for now I have to take care of april"

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