chapter 14

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Nikki point of view (surprise):

On the outside Bri, Paige, Seth, Dean and pretty much everyone are playing it cool calm and collected we don't need to add anymore stress to today. Which was half way true. Aj has that affect on us she calms everyone down, especially Roman. Watching her play video games with Seth is pretty adorable, he will never beat her. On the inside however we all want blood. The blood of one specific individual named Dolph Ziggler. That man has signed his own death certificate. If someone walked in on us right now they would never know that we are people who would kill someone without blinking an eye. Especially when it comes to one of our own. See Aj is our princess and queen not in the same sense as Roman but just how much we adore her. She's our precious little sister not by blood but in every sense of the word. She was there for all of us when we needed her. When Brie and I had our first kill Aj was there to help us calm down work through the guilt and all that. She is there for everyone as much as one person can be. Aj hasn't exactly had the easiest life, she was taken hostage a few times by rival gangs amongst other things, I mean her dad is the undertaker one of the most feared gang leaders to have ever lived and she's dating Roman who is almost the same level as taker. So I'm not surprised that taker showed up. This is his daughter and his pride and joy. By the time we left Aj was snuggled next to Roman and rather content her dad next to her and Dean and Seth sitting on the floor in front of them just watching a movie. Chances of getting those two to actually leave at this point is slim to none.
Thankfully Paige had Aj's phone when she got that text maybe we can track where exactly the phone it was sent from is. When we got back to base we started to make our plan to find just where exactly our little bleach blond pig was hiding. I hear something shatter in the kitchen. I let out a sigh "Brie! Paige! Stop throwing our glasses and dishes against the wall!!" I yell out. "For the record it was a plant pot but fine" Paige says as she comes out and sits with me as does Brie. "Alright girls let's get to work" time to remind people why you don't mess with the hounds.

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