chapter 10

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Romans point of view:

Dolph is dead when I see him. A straight bullet to the fucking head. He has crossed the line that you just don't cross unless you want to die. I hold april a bit longer. She fell asleep in my arms and is looking so relaxed. I kiss her head and leave the room. The moment i leave the room i am in my boss mode. I walk in to the living room and dean and seth automatically stand on both sides of me. the whole  gang is here. "Alright hounds it would seem that we have some things to discuss. So, mouths shut until I am done speaking unless you want it shut for you" I say and from that everyone knew that something was wrong. "Dolph has decided that he wants to disrespect us myself especially. He has gone as far as trying to rape aj." The room was filled with anger. The entire gang is protective of their queen. "Nikki brie take randy and edge and track him down." The twins got a very vindictive look on their face and couldn't wait. "Now I know you all already know what will happen to him." There were nods around the room. "Also John get in contact with hunters people. We need to have a meeting. Now you all may speak" "just wondering but can we torture dolph a bit?" Brie asked. Knew that was coming the girls see April as a sister and you don't mess with her. "You may. Any thing else?" No one said anything else. "Well then hounds dismissed and if you see or hear about dolph you know what to do." They all filed out. Time to go check on my queen

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