chapter 12

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Romans point of view:

After the meeting was over everyone but seth, dean, paige, nikki and brie had left. We sat there just discussing some plans when I felt two thin arms wrap around my chest. I look back and see April, so I gently pull her around and on to my lap "sleep alright babygirl" "Mm would have been better without the dreams coming back" she says quietly as she leans her head on my sholder.  The twins scratch that everyone looks murderous because they know just what dreams she's talking about. However we all cover it up so we don't upset her more. "Well Pumpkin brie nikki and I were thinking of staying for a bit!" Paige says in a light tone but we all knew it was because they wanted to make sure she was safe. "What no way you three will hog her! She promised to play video games with me and dean!" Seth wined. April giggles and it makes me smile. "Oh please arent you tired of getting your ass kicked by her yet?" Nikki says with a smirk. "Oh thats how its gonna be huh?" Seth jokes in mock hurt. You would never guess these people had killed quite a few people. Suddenly there's a knock on the door so while they bicker I set aj between the twins who instantly hug her and nikki smirks at seth. So I go to answer. I pale when I see who it is. One of the only men that actually scares me a bit "Roman where's my daughter?" "Hello taker. She over on the couch" he nods and walks over "dad! What are you doing here?" She asks as she jumps up to hug him "Just felt like stopping by. Also I heard an interesting story on the way here" he looks over at me. "So dolph is back?" Oh shit well time to face this. "Yes he is. I have people on the hunt for him as we speak." Mark or undertaker is also a gang leader but everyone knows not to piss him off. On the rankings im second and he is first so imagine what happens when you piss both of us off. Dolph better start saying some prayers. "So if your here does that mean a long or short visit?" Aj asks as she tilts her head to the side she is so damn cute. "Depends" well guess who isn't getting laid any time soon. Damn.

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