chapter 13

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Roman pov:

After taker had gotten settled and the girls and apparently Seth had aj distracted taker and I sat down to talk and come up with a plan of how to deal with dolph. A bullet to the head is to easy and he deserves so much more pain. "So taker what ideas do you have so far?" I ask him and he has a malicious smirk on his face "oh I've got  few but first we've got to catch the little bastard." Well he's not wrong. "Um Roman taker I think you two are gonna want to see this." Paige says and in her hand is Aj's cell. "I hid this from an for most of the night but this text just came and I think we can all take a pretty good guess as to whom it's from" she says as she handed me the phone 'so sorry that are time got cut short today doll face. But don't worry I'll get you soon enough and there's not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me. See ya soon babe' I let out a growl as I read this and taker takes the phone from me before I break it. "Roman believe me I want him dead just as much as you but we need to think this through. Go cool off, I have a few calls to make. We are finding him now." Taker tells me. He's just as pissed as I am but has a lot more practice at hiding it. I decide that he's right I do need to cool down and the best person to help me do that is Aj. I walk I  with Paige following me to see them all playing some game. "Damn it Aj why are you so good at this! I will beat you eventually!" Seth says while pouting while Dean just laughs. "Aww maybe one day Sethy but today is not that day!" She says with a smirk and high fives brie and Nikki. I just smile that's my girl.

Tadah! Not the best I know buuut I did get you guys a new chapter so yay

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