Chapter 11

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes, looking at the clock. It was 11 at night and the lights were off. Clearly I was the only one here.
I groaned as I sat up, feeling groggy. I rubbed my face and felt the heated flush of fever on my cheeks.
"Great," I muttered, swinging my legs off the bed and fumbling around for a new set of clothes. I stripped and pulled on the conveniently placed set of dry clothes.
There was a soft glubbing noise and I pressed the pair of boxers to my front, spinning around. Eridan was laying in a tub, watching me change.
My face got a bright red cherry color and I stumbled, falling to the floor.
"Sorry Sol.... You're just so cute." He was flushed violet as well.
I quickly pulled the boxers on but didn't really want to put on the rest of the clothes. It was too warm. I got to my feet and walked over to Eridan, sitting beside him. I reached out and stroked his hair softly.
He glubbed and pressed against my hand. I smiled tiredly, sniffing.
He looked up and gently reached out, pressing the back of his hand against my cheek. I leaned into it.
He reached up and set both of his hands on my cheeks, pulling me close and kissing me softly.
I started to kiss him back before pushing me away. "Ii can't Eriidan. You'll get 2iick too."
He giggled. "Silly Sol. I'm a sea dwweller. I don't get the same sickness you do."
I perked and kissed him again, wrapping my arms around him slowly. He tilted his head softly and ran his tongue over my lips softly. I allowed him entrance and he explored my warm mouth with his cold tongue slowly.
I moaned into his mouth, melting slightly under his cool touch. He smiled into the kiss.
He pulled away and gently moved his lips to my neck, kissing it softly. I moaned again, rubbing his back fin and making him shudder in my arms.
I coughed softly and he looked up worriedly. He sat up and gently pressed his cool forehead against mine. I relaxed, clinging to him loosely.
I didn't realize until it was a little too late he was pulling me into the cool water of the tub. Despite my tenseness it was cold and felt nice against my warm skin. I relaxed slowly, curling up in his arms. I was encased in a cocoon of damp cold and it was the most relaxed I had felt in a while. I set my head against his chest, breathing slowly.
He slowly rubbed the cool water against my arm. "You feeling better Sol?" I nodded softly and he smiled, kissing the top of my head.
"Love you Sol," he whispered faintly.
My heart fluttered in my chest, sending a happy feeling through my veins. "Love you too Eriidan."

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