Chapter 15

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I bounded into the aquarium the next morning, excited to see Eridan but I was met with horrible news.
Apparently his family- the mertroll one- had come looking for him. They'd washed up on the beach, not injured, threatening to kill everyone on the beach if they didn't return Eridan. The aquarium was called immediately and Eridan was returned that morning.
My life went downhill after that. Kankri took Karkat and left for college. I let the house slowly fall apart and, after doing a half-ass work at my job, roamed the streets in an attempt to find a tiny bit of sustenance to support my aching stomach, since I was sending all my money to Karkat and Kankri.
I was jumped by the new gang that had replaced the Midnight Crew, the Felt Mob, and Mituna found me lying bloodied in an alleyway. He took me home and, to my dads distaste, they kept me. I spent the next few months in the hospital, slowly regaining energy I didn't need and the doctor put me into a rehabilitation group to help fix me. I never listened, and I never participated.
I spent every night writing suicide notes to my friends, revising, editing them. I had no one left for me.
I was an outcast at school. I was bullied, picked on, harassed and beat up daily. Despite everyone texting or pestering me, I never answered. Unlike school, everyone at the aquarium was worried about me. They even left Eridan's tank empty for me.
I sat behind it, up against a wall crying into my arms when there was a loud clamor from the entrance. I wiped my face on my sleeve and stood up, making my way over to where the noise was.
Three oil covered figures, one looking oddly familiar, were being carried into the infirmary. I hurried after to help clean the oil off of them.
I returned home that night exhausted. My dad looked up worriedly. "Kanaya called and 2aiid there was an emergency at the aquariium. Ii2 everythiing okay?"
I nodded. "There are 2ome creatures caught in an oiil 2piill. We had to clean them up. Everyone 2aiid Ii looked horrible though 2o they 2ent me home early."
"You diidnt get your mediicatiion thii2 morniing."
"Oh." I rubbed he back of my neck. "2orry."
"Iit2 fiine. Go take your mediiciine and get iin bed. Iill take you iin early tomorrow."
I perked. "Okay!"
When we got there the next morning what I saw filled me with happiness I hadn't felt in a long time. Although he was still sore, Eridan was swimming around the familiarity of his tank.
I ran forward and pressed my hand against the glass. "Eriidan!"
He looked up and his face brightened, swimming forward. "Sol!"
I climbed up onto the diving board and he jumped out of the water, hugging me.
"Ii mii22ed you 2o much....." I whispered, on the verge of joyful tears.
"I missed you too Sol."
I kissed his cheek softly and he glubbed. I smiled.

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