Chapter 1

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I walked down the road and entered my school. I had a spring in my step knowing that school would be finished that day. The day went like a breeze. The sun was out shining, people laughing as they sat with their friends, talking about their summer plans that they probably didn't even do. I would know because I spoke about what I would do that summer- like I did every summer- but never really got the chance to do it.

My friends and I went to the cinema after school finished. It was a half day so I had gotten money from my parents after I begged them to let me go. They initially wanted me to go and pick up my siblings from school since they finished an hour after I did but I can be quite stubborn sometimes. Kevin came along- my boyfriend. My parents liked him but my dad and older sister would often warn him of what they would do if he did anything to harm me. I love Kevin. I always will.

He met me with a kiss outside my house. I had told my friends that I would go home quickly and get changed since I was in my school uniform. They all agreed. I let Kevin in and he went up to my room where I made him choose my outfit. I couldn't decide between the skirt and the skinny jeans. Obviously, he went for the jeans because he didn't want anyone looking at my legs. I loved it when he was protective like that. We stayed in the room for a bit as we discussed what he was doing with his family this summer. He let me sit on his lap and he had his arms wrapped firmly around my waist. His fingers would drum against my back every once in a while he stared into my eyes. He told me he loved me and couldn't wait for the day we would live together, me waking up in his arms and eventually becoming his wife. I told him I loved him back because I did. I wanted nothing more than to be Mrs Lewham.

Mrs Jasmine Lewham.

When the time came, we walked out the house, hand in hand and began our journey down to the cinema. He put his arm around my waist as he kissed the top of my head. He told me he loves me again and I smiled at him before stopping and giving him a kiss. I couldn't see myself with anyone apart from him. He was the one that made me smile even though I was down in the dumps. He was the one that always held me whenever I was having a bad day and he knew he couldn't cheer me up. He was the one that I called at three in the morning whenever I had a bad dream and he would talk to me until I fell asleep again.

After the movie had finished, we both went to a cafe down the street. It was where we had our first date and the many more that followed after. I had called my mum to let her know that Kevin was taking me out and she told me to enjoy but be back by twelve. I would have called my dad but my mum was way easier to persuade. He had the trouble of coming to terms with the fact that he was two years older. But after the three years of us being together, I think he finally learnt that there was no one else perfect for his little princess other than him. And now they were best friends. Sort of.

He was twenty at that time and was working, earning a decent amount of money. I had teased him a number of times about him still living with his parents but he had told me he would live with them forever because he was going to look after them. That was when my dad finally saw he wasn't a bad guy. My mum loved him from the start.

I met Kevin through my sister. Her being three years older than me obviously meant that she had older friends that came to the house. There was this one time where she had to work in a group to do a presentation for college so they had all come over. Me and Kevin joked around here and there and eventually exchanged numbers.

He's been mine ever since.

We went back to his house after eating because I insisted on watching a movie. I didn't have to worry about him touching me because he was the one that wanted to wait until we got married. We always got as far as making out and fooling around but it always stopped there. He wanted to wait and I would do that for him. We got to his house and he gathered all the snacks together before chucking them all on the coffee table. His mum came down and greeted me after she told him off for chucking the food around. His parents went out that night, leaving us alone. Kevin pulled me in front of him so I was between his legs and his head was buried into my neck. I smiled as he kissed his way up my neck and stopped at my ear to tell me he loved me once again. I told him I loved him back and he chuckled telling me he will always love me more.

We didn't even watch the movie since it was muted in the background as we talked about the future. I ended up lying on his chest as we both looked into each other's eyes. At that point I wanted to skip into the future and get married, move in together and have kids. I wanted to be with him all the time.

I don't know when I fell asleep but soon enough I was in his arms as he carried me up the stairs. It wasn't until he entered my bright blue room did I realise that he had driven me home. Just as I was about to tell him to stay, he kicked off his shoes and crept up on the bed beside me. He told me he loved me again as he pulled me into his chest. He kissed the top of my head before resting his head on top of mine.

If only I knew that would be the last time I would sleep in his arms.

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