Chapter 6

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It was a week after that you brought the T.V into the room did you bring me food. I wanted to spit the food right back at your face as you sat there feeding me. I would have screamed out loud but you had a knife pressed against my throat with the other hand. I needed that food for my energy. You hadn't fed me in a week so I needed something in my body.

I noticed the slur in your speech which told me you had been drinking throughout the day. This just went in favour of my escape. I needed you to be asleep so I could run out the house. You continued to feed me until a knock came at the door. You stuffed the briefs back into my mouth but didn't bother with the duct tape. I noticed that you didn't lock the door but just shut it instead. The adrenaline rushed through me again as I started to loosen the duct tape around my wrist. It wasn't so easy to do in the beginning but I had been doing this for the last week so it had loosened quite a lot. Considering that you kept these tapes on me for three weeks, barely feeding me, I had lost a little weight around my wrist. It wasn't much but I only needed a little.

You didn't return until night fall. You were drunk. You were the most drunk I had ever seen you. I remembered the time you had come home drunk and fell onto the sofa and woke the next morning with a massive hangover. I watched in anticipation as you staggered into the room. Through the open door, I saw a figure leaving through the front door. That meant the door was unlocked. By the time I looked back at you, you were already collapsed onto the floor. I waited for another few minutes until I heard you snoring because I knew that's when you would be in deep sleep.

I tugged against the tape again but it was no use. I felt myself panicking as I struggled against the tape. I had the fear that you would suddenly get up from the floor and leave me on the bed, locking the door behind you. It wasn't until an hour later when I managed to slip my hand through. My eyes widened at the sudden realisation that I was one step to being free. I glanced at you and relaxed when I saw you still unconsciousness on the floor. I then quickly freed my other hand with the knife you had left at the desk. After I had freed myself from the bed, I gently put my feet onto the ground.

It felt so weird to feel something beneath my feet. I had to close my eyes and remember how I used to walk before I was able to get onto my legs. I had pins and needles that made my legs feel numb but I was too focussed on escaping that I pushed the numbness away. I made it to the front when I realised that you could easily escape by the time the police came for you.

It was when I saw the handcuffs on the coffee table did I remember God once again. This was his way of saving me and I couldn't thank him enough. I rushed back into the room and handcuffed your hand to the heater you were lying beside. Just in case, I grabbed the duct taped and secured your legs together and then joined your hands together. Finally content with your imprisonment, I grabbed the blanket from the bed and wrapped it around my naked body before grabbing the keys for the handcuff and running out the flats. I didn't bother to stop at any of the houses because I knew most of the men that raped me where from here. Your friends as you liked to call them.

I continued running down the streets with tears running down my face. I had the key secured into my hand because I feared someone you knew might find it and set you free. It was a crazy idea but I wasn't going to take any chances. I couldn't even feel my body as I ran down the streets. The blanket had managed to slip from my grasp and soon enough I was at my front door, banging on the door. As soon as the front door opened, I dropped into my mother's arms who screamed my name. I felt unconsciousness at that point and I wasn't even scared if I was dead because I was back into my mother's arms and back at home.

I was glad I wasn't tied onto your bed which my legs spread wide open. I was glad that I couldn't feel your hands on me or have anyone putting themselves in me, I was where I was meant to be. I was home.

///Hey guys! Haven't talked to you in ages and I am so sorry for that!! But I feel like I haven't heard anything from you either which is something I really miss. I really want to know what you think of this story because it isn't what I usually write and I guess I'm exploring. So please let me know what you think even if it is the most negative thing because feedback is still feedback, right?
Anyways, it's almost 5am but here I am updating because I really cannot fall asleep. Hope you enjoyed it 😀

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