Chapter 3

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After you had finished raping me, you dragged me to the bedroom and tied me to the bed. You tied my naked body to the bed with my legs spread wide open. You removed the duct tape but quickly stuffed my briefs into my mouth; the ones that you ripped off me when you had enough of your fingers. You didn't even stop there. You went to the extent of securing two layers of duct tape over my mouth once again.

You made me stay like that for the rest of the day. You heard me sob but you still did nothing. When we were younger, you would always hold me whenever I started crying. You would tell me that everything was going to be alright and that you would hunt down the people that hurt me because you hated seeing me so upset.

It was around nine or ten when you returned for seconds. I knew because that's when it started to go dark. I was meant to meet Kevin now. We were meant to get together, his family and mine so we could eat dinner. We even planned to go on holiday together. We still hadn't decided if both families should go together or if it should just be us only. You would have come along too. You were meant to go to that dinner as well.

Your hands touched my body again and I felt my breakfast start to rise. I had to swallow it back down knowing that you wouldn't take out my own undergarment from inside my mouth but just watch me choke to death. Just when I thought you were gonna unbuckle your jeans and take me again, another two men stepped in and handed you and envelope. It was money. You then pushed my hair away from my face as the two men placed their hands on me. I started crying again, knowing that you were selling me to random men. You told me that you were going to meet everyone for dinner so they wouldn't suspect you in my disappearance.

I didn't focus on the two men in front of me. I didn't focus on how wrong it felt to have their hands on me. I didn't know these men but they were inside of me. They invaded my privacy. You invaded my privacy. You were meant to be my brother. You were meant to keep these kind of men away from me and you became one of them. You raped me while I cried for help. You raped me while your little sister lay beneath you shaking because she was sobbing so hard. You took advantage of me because you knew I was going to help. You took advantage of the trust I had in you. You took advantage of the relationship we shared as brothers and sisters.

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