1 Tear in my heart

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My name is Alanna, I am 18 years old, and I made a mistake. When I was around 14 I met Halia, who I quickly fell in love with. 'Don't make friends on the Internet, they'll kill you' how right they were. But my death is a slow mental death, not a murder, or even kidnap. Hers is a slow death, one of pain, needles and hospital machines. So don't make friends on the Internet, or else you may fall in love.
"Why did we have to get a house with steps" Halia moaned, her breathing heavy, "we have to do this every day, I'm going to kill my self" I said my hand in hers. When we reached the door I turned to her, Halia was one of the most beautiful people in the world, I fell in love all over again, I was glad she was my wife, nothing could go wrong, nothing could take away our happiness.
I unlocked the door and turned the handle. The door opened out into a hall with blue wall paper, pale wooden floors and pictures of the beach on the walls, there was a table with a lamp and a hat stand. "It's perfect, now can I get carried in every day?" my wife said, "but, effort" I said, my smile growing, "fight me!" "No" "dammit fight me" she playfully shouted "cutie" I said. "No I'm the face of darkness" "cutie" I said poking her, "fight me, I'm not cute dammit" "you're cute" "no", "yes, "no", "yes" I said smiling at her, "no" God dammit I love her. "I love you" "I love you too" she said, my chest did the thing, you know when you're so happy your chest rises, you feel like you're going to burst and you may make an inhuman noise. The whole thing ended in me against the wall, with her lips on mine, but let's not go into that.

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