2 Kiss me

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1. a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behaviour."she wrote to him in desperation"
2. synonyms:
3. hopelessness, despair, distress;anguish, pain, agony, torment, torture, misery, wretchedness;disheartenment, discouragement, resignedness, forlornness, defeatism, pessimism"he became a thief out of sheer desperation"
4. recklessness, rashness, impetuosity, foolhardiness, riskiness, audacity, boldness, wildness, imprudence, injudiciousness"an act of desperation
                                              I lay there wrapped in Halia's arms, "I have to go to work" her head against mine. "I can change that you know why?" "Here it comes" her voice dull ready for my catchphrase, " 'cus I'm the president" she rolled her eyes but pulled me closer, "well Mrs president, I have to say I don't feel like sharing you with any nation or otherwise" a tender kiss was placed on my nose, "te iubesc" I hummed into her neck, "I love you too" was her reply, I pried myself from her, allowing her to get up. The heat loss was apparent immediately, she grabbed her jacket and walked out, "later alannigator" "in a while Haliadile", I smiled, contemplating whether to put all the mugs on the lawn again or to make a meaningful present for Halia's birthday, I got the rings, a card, flowers, what else was there? All of a sudden I had a brain wave, a photo album full of art and old pictures of us, it was perfect!
            I sat there surrounded by photos, letters and sketches. The clock read 4:20pm, meaning I had exactly an hour until my wife walked through that door, I picked up a photo of Halia on the top of a castle, on the back it read 'March 2017, limerick', I remember that day, I smiled fondly. Another had the two of us with cows, Halia's mother was in the background pointing at the cows, there was no date on this one, only a heart and a feather sketch. The next photograph I chose was of four people, Halia, Michael, my mother and I, Michael was pushing us together while laughing manically, my mother was doing the 'my ship is canon' face, and we had our lips locked, a fond memory of mine, even the our love for each other could stop a moving train like a superhero saving the city, could move cold hearts to kindness and probably create like ten rainbows in the process.
       I glued the photographs onto the wood carefully, I then placed brown buttons around them, illustrations of us in any available space, it was ready. I heard the car pull into the driveway, I hid the plaque behind the television stand, seconds later Halia walked in. With her she had ice cream and cookies, "hey Hun how was work" she glared at me, "house rules cutie, no small talk". She removed the heavy coat from her frame, "I got you somethings for tomorrow but I want to give them to you now before you stumble upon them" I said reaching for the things, "you didn't hav-" "yes I did".
                               I handed her the bag, "happy birthday", she kissed my cheek, "I love you" "I love you more". I watched as she pulled out the chocolates and my card.

My dearest Halia,
                     Words can not begin to describe how exciting you made my life, you and your smile made everyday brighter like the sun lighting up our world, even though you don't realize it. You have moved people with your forest like eyes, like a canvas painted with beautiful brown freckles your face made it worth getting up, so let us raise a glass, and celebrate another year of good health and happiness, and may there be many many more.

Her arms grabbed me and pulled me into a loving hug, the hug lingering like smoke from a candle. "I love you", "you haven't seen the best part yet" I said breaking the hug, her hands went back into the bag pulling out a large wooden board, "oh my god" she commented in awe of the collection of memories.

A/N: sup shorter chapters because I haven't finished the yoke for the thing I can't spoil, anyway happy belated birthday chapter to im-bored-spn happy adulting

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