2 Wild

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The problem with falling in love is at some point you have to say goodbye sooner or later someone's going to die, if that is in sickness or old age both are rotten horrible ways to say goodbye. But sickness has a putrid feeling, one of horror, disbelief and overwhelming sadness and nothing. Goodbyes can range from a general goodbye, like when you leave a friend for the night, but you'll see them again, then there is a longterm goodbye, you'll see them again, it may be months or years, but you'll see them. Then there is the bitter goodbye of death, the knowledge you won't meet again is there, but you choose to ignore it, it can kill more then one person in the process, but time moves on, time doesn't stop for anyone, not even death.
The daylight shone in from the bedroom window, the crashing crashing waves could be heard from the open balcony door. Halia grumbled her morning 'don't touch me or even look at me or I'll rip your face off' sound, "good morning cutie" I mumbled into her hair. "Morning bean" the reply came, very groggily but it came nonetheless. "Two seconds late on the reply cutie, are you okay?" I asked jokingly, "honestly, my arms and chest hurt really bad, but I'm fine". Do you want to go the the beach with me?" She asked still half asleep. "It won't be as pretty as you, but sure" "stop" "no". But I am really worried about her, her arms, chest, jaw and neck have been at her recently and honestly, I'm scared to death"
I skipped down the steps to skerries beach. The sand was light on my feet and the air smelt of salt, seaweed and fish. "The sun rising on the horizon is really pretty to be honest" Halia said sitting on the ground, "not as pretty as you" I retorted, she scoffed, "you're an idiot, you know that?". "How is the chest and... others" I said looking at her eyes, green, like a forest of trees, animals and life. They were vibrant and stood out against her pale skin, I could get lost in the deep woods that she kept in there. "I'm fine don't worry" she was right I was all worried about nothing, I mean Halia is fine, but I'm scared, scared of hospitals.

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