3 nine in the afternoon

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The challenging game of chicken we played with death, round and round the table we went, playing until one of us inevitably lost, the taunt of loneliness taking deaths place. The terrible screams of pain and most of it was not my dying liver, but my heart, constantly paining and aching, until I too am giving up. In short, who ever you are reading this, if you see an opportunity to be with your one true love, you take it. You do that mushy, overly romantic stuff, you turn your life in to that love story you want it to be. But promise me this, if you see the chance to tell someone you love them, take it, don't sit around wallowing in your nerves, even if it could ruin everything you tell them, because one day you may not get the chance and then the opportunity runs through your hands like sand and water from the ocean, tell them before the line is flat and the heart monitor beeping loud.
                           Tears streamed down her cheeks, "thank you so much" her voice was trembling, I pulled her tighter, kissing her neck lightly. "I miss them" she said quietly, "me too", tears threatened to fall.
                     Halia's parents died in a house fire three years ago, since they were the only thing keeping us financially on our feet, we lost our house. She was a wreak, she stayed in bed for two nights in a row, she barely ate, well to be fair we didn't really have the money for either of us to eat. In a few weeks of this lifestyle, she got sick, the doctors diagnosed her with anemia, she was too weak to even walk at one point! I never want that to happen again, a week in hospital she was let out, colour back in her cheeks, her eyes once again a bright vibrant green.
"What'd you want for dinner?", "ramen" she said smiling sadly at me, "okie dokie then, do you want soy sauce in them?" I grinned evilly, "fuck you", "nah lets not, but how about milkshakes and ice cream later?" She nodded and hummed approvingly, "I know a good place at the harbor", "really what's it called, I'm not going to a shady ass farm for ice cream again" she said laughter in her voice, "I'm pretty sure Michael's milkshakes has been shutdown by now, she kept on spilling the water!" Now we both laughed, mocking the poor lad.
After ten minutes the ramen was ready, steam rising from the bowls, the sent of artificial beef filling the room, "two ramen, not soy sauce for the birthday beauty" I put the bowl in front of her, she shook her head, a smile on her face. "I swear to god, if I don't kill you by the time your twenty five, I'll kill myself!" "That's illegal, no waste of your cute life" I said resting my head on her shoulder, "you're an idiot" a small smile spread on her face, "no I'm dad" I joked ruining the moment with my well placed dad joke, if I do say so myself. "Can I change twenty five to twenty one?" She said her hand resting on the side of her freckled cheek, "no time like today!", she was trying to keep the ramen in her mouth as we continued to joke.



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