1 American idiot

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The movies we used to watch, not the new ones but the old ones, cowboys with funny accents to laugh at. The picture quality terrible, but we enjoyed them nonetheless. We would listen to them talk, their odd voices filling our ears, we would then imitate their western drawl. Halia would always end up somehow falling off the sofa onto the hardwood floor. People say memories can not be made in front of a television screen, I beg to differ. How could I forget the days we spent singing along to Hamilton, our voices mixing together into a sweet mixture like cupcake batter. Laughing, singing and shouting, all together was our family gathering. The story of Americas beginning blaring through the speakers. We would lay in bed and I would sing various led zeppelin, twenty one pilots and many others to her as we lay there completely captivated in our love.
     Ten minutes later after the ticklefest, the deep breaths of 'that was fun' was still being heard throughout the room. "There are fireworks at the Beach tonight" Halia's breathless voice filling the conversationless room, "really?" "Yeah, wanna go". I took my time to think, the fact that other people would be there was bad but Halia wanted to go, and wherever she goes I'm sure to follow like her shadow. She looked over at me, her green eyes pierced my chest like a spear. She's to beautiful for these times, she's more like the Greek goddess of Alanna's heart, my heart. I nodded my head, "sounds good", we held eye contact, smiled and sprang up and dashed to the beach.
                            I grabbed my jacket from the bronze coat hanger that hung in the hallway. Halia's coat was thrust over my shoulder as to say 'you carry it'. The door squealed loudly as it opened, the cold hitting us immediately. "Jesus fucking Christ" Halia said grabbing her trenchcoat. I laughed. Our hands automatically linked out of instinct, cold fingers met my warm ones, my heart melted as it does anytime we touch. "Sucks to be you" I said pulling her closer. We strode down the stairs to the path out of the garden, the cement that had been utterly soaked, today it rained, yesterday it rained, heck what am I saying it always rains in Ireland.
                              As we reached the end of the garden, she pushed the rusty hate with a eerie creak. The rust making it stiff and hard to open. "Fucking gate". We made our way out to the car, every now and again a car would zoom by making a 'sloosh!' sound as they go, I opened the door to our Toyota Hilux, the door was like the gate, very squeaky. "After you m'lady" I put on a mock British accent. "Uh thanks".
        We arrived at the beach, people who decided to put a blanket down looked freezing, but Halia and I just happen to be geniuses, so we brought the jeep, or truck for you yanks. The back of the jeep had a black cover that his a cove of blankets and pillows, Halia was looking at the people on the shore with a face that said 'sucks to suck', we clambered into the back, the blankets cold from MOTHER Nature. "I'm really really ready for this" she stated her face beemed with joy, I smiled back. Her arm snook around my shoulder and hugged my into her chest. I closed my eyes.
            The fireworks were about to start, my heart was about to explode with excitement, I had to be calm, not to ruin this date, I could not help but smile like a complete idiot. "You okay bean?" "M'fine" I said my skin feeling clammy, with anticipation. Halia brought her lips to mine, they were soft like butter, but sweet like sugar.
                    The best part about the fire works is I can practically feel them go off in my chest, feel the excitement. I cam practicality see the tension between the short second intervals, colours spraying everywhere.
             I looked up at my mother, my hand in hers, my eyes wide with wonder of what was to come, all of a sudden a loud bang rang out, scaring me almost on top of my mother. But then the colours sprung out, reds blues, greens even the most beautiful shade of purple I have ever seen.
                             I pushed the thoughts away as best I could, many attempts it took, I mean it ten minutes later I had finally got the flashback to stop. My past is a very big bucket of cringe that Halia seems to love. "Alanna? Alanna, you zoned out for a moment there" she said bringing me back to reality, "I can't wait to see the yokes"I responded, I kissed her, "you have to at least calm down a bit " she smiled hugging me tighter. Just as she spoke the show started, bang!, bursts of colour sprang up, my breathing increased rapidly, happiness spread across my face. I turned to look at my firework, green with hits of brown and purple, as she was about to speak a thundering boom! Rang out, a pink firework covered the sky. My head felt weak, I brought my lips to hers, we stayed there for a significant amount of time, trading our I love yous. The last thing I saw was Halia's lips moving, obviously talking to me, I didn't remember a word. I brought our lips together, kissing each other sweetly, a large bang! rang out, a purple light illuminated the sky, Halia pressed her forehead against mine. Fireworks going off rapidly now, the world seemed to sparkle like they did, all because of our love. The fireworks ended in one last big blue, purple and red burst, "I love you" "te iubesc asemenea". We lay there in our warmth, it wasn't long before I feel fast asleep.
          I woke up in our bed smothered by a cute. I kissed her lips, her cute snores echoing around the room. I gingerly pushed her off careful not to wake her up, my speaker was set up in the corner of our room, I connected my phone to it via Bluetooth, I then grabbed boots before I turned it on. I sat down put one on and pressed play. Halia's eyes fluttered open, "rise n' shine Halia", she looked over at me, rolled her eyes. "No" a silent laugh spread across her face, her arms opened up inviting me in. I could not decline that invite.

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