4 We don't belive whats on TV

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Bad things happen to the best of people, heroes lives are often struck with misfortune, pain, fear and loss. I'm glad to say I would have never experienced all the things I did with her if it weren't for Halia. She saved my life, I would have done this long ago if it weren't for her. A true hero lies not in the costumes and superpowers, but if you saved at least one persons life, you are already a hero. Halia was my captain America, she never gave up on me, even when the dad jokes got extreme! Even when I refused to see her, she never gave up on me. She is never truly gone.
"Alanna, stop glueing seashells to me, or I'll shove the glue gun up your ass!" She shouted as I stuck a seashell to her for the fiftieth time, "that's pretty kinky shit, Halia" I said with a smirk and a giggle. "Oh my god" she looked at me with loving disappointment, you know 'the look'. Her eyes looked at me, I have said this before and I will say it again, Halia has the most beautiful fucking everything, her eyes, face, lips and hair is perfect in every way. "I'm bored" I said imitating Sherlock, even though I don't think I could get bored looking at her, "sing me a song" she said not paying me any attention. "No" I rolled my eyes, "not in the mood" I finished. "Then pick up the glue gun bean" she ordered, her voice didn't laugh but her eyes did, I complied.
                  A good four hours later the heart was finished, it was a large thirty centimeter wide heart, the seashells made it look personal, considering they got married outside on the beach. "It's beautiful" she said smiling as she looked at the seashell heart. "You know what's more beautiful? You" I said smiling at her lovingly, "Lupta cu mine" she said "în pat" I replied.

Romanian translations
Lupta cu mine ~ fight me
You can guess what în pat means

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