8 Young volcanoes

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But love is also a game of wit and trust, to truly love there must be a middle ground between the two hearts, a truce if you will, or else a war of pain and hurt will commence, but when you love you let your defense down, it's necessary to the game, but if you completely let them down even if the person doesn't wish to harm you they do in the sequel to the game, loss. Eventually, as in every game one side wins the other losses. My biggest loss was Halia's heart, that beautiful, pure, perfect and captivating heart. Her mind my second, it was smart, damn she could have changed the entire world, well she did, but only my world. My third biggest loss her face, the beautiful green eyes, those full lips that could render me helpless in a matter of seconds, in summary, my biggest loss was Halia.
I had thrown my arm over her shoulder and was half lifting half dragging her inside. My heart rate speed up, there was silence except for labored breathing from both of us, her pain, my panic. The rain continued its fall toward the ground. We strode up the steps that lead to the street our house was on. "It hurts" she said struggling to speak, "I know cutie, I know". We walked to the door of our home. The cold blue that normally comforted the both of us was no help today, I placed Halia gingerly on the chair that stood in the corner. "I should go to hospital huh?" She was still clutching her chest. "Probably" I said hand on her back. "You're not coming, I can't risk it" she stated simply. I wanted to protest but I knew if I did it would rile her up, she didn't need that right now. I called Bella, hopefully she would cart Halia to accident and emergency, even though it was now six and she would, no doubtably, in front of the Telly watching Friends reruns.
                      Within the space if ten minutes Halia was out the door and into Bella's škoda octavia. My heart was dashing, my hands shaking, what if they hurt her? What then? I sat playing on my slightly cracked phone, I checked my texts every four seasons, my heart slowed slightly and my breath was no longer labored. I could not get my mind off Halia.

 truce//halianna Where stories live. Discover now