3 Cant help falling in love

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Its a beautiful thing, a seashell, their imperfections only making them unique, each ridge adding to its beauty, every scratch, every crack. Halia was like that, even when she was dying, she still held the light of the stars a radiance not even death could take away. Her voice still lovingly mocked me, even at the end. That one beach will always be there, skerries will remain, even when we're gone. No matter what happens it will always be here.
       Our fingers interlocked as we strode down toward the strand, the early morning chill had not yet been replaced with a warm breeze. "Its fucking freezing today" I said moving closer to Halia, "I swear if you dare move all the ice from the freezer to our lawn I'll shove them up your ass" she said smiling slightly. "Please don't" I said giggling, I turned to look at her, he was slightly hunched over. "Are you alright, I need you to be honest now?" "It's nothing, just my chest". I don't believe her but, if she doesn't want to talk about it I won't push it. She bent down and grabbed a seashell, a few rocks and twine. "Let's make something for the house, like a heart made out of these pieces of trash" she said turning to look at me, "that's a good idea, I want to man the glue" "but, fine".
      An hour later we are still knee deep in sand and not many seashells, Halia screamed for the twenty first time that day, it was less of a scream more of a 'mhhhh' but a scream nonetheless.

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