Our Promise/1/Our Promise

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"The moment I met her, my life changed. Everything I saw... everything I heard... everything I felt... all the scenery around me, started to take on color."

Arima Kosei(Your Lie in April)


Once Upon a time. The spoiled prince, Natsume, sneaked out of his room and ran deep in the woods. He was only 6 years old and had no such experience of the world. All he knew was that he wanted to be free from the chains that held him back at the castle. He loved exploring the woods and that is what led him towards an unprecedented path. There he heard the lovely voice of what seemed to be a song bird.

"Hello?" He said in a cute, childish voice. "Is anyone there?"

He brushed back branches of a tree and spotted a sobbing brunette of his age. She sat on the trunk of an old, cut down Oak. She wore a fluffy, pearl white dress that hug loosely down her legs. Her hazel eye's sparkled with the tears. 

She was beautiful and Natsume could only stare at her. It was like watching a deer, graciously drinking at a stream of water. 

Quite a sight indeed.

"..." He blushed as he ruffled his hair in embarrassment. She was too beautiful that he couldn't find the words to fill in the empty space between them.

"S-sorry." She wiped her tears and jumped off the tree trunk in grace. She linked her hands behind her back and looked up at the sky.

"Why were you crying?" Natsume approached her slowly, afraid she would run from him. He wanted to know more about her. He'd never seen her around before.

"My Mommy and Daddy are sick." She said softly. His lips fell slightly to the side. There was nothing he could do to help her feel better. He never had the problem of having a sick parent. They had enough money to hire doctors from all over the world. But this girl here... she was what his mother had mentioned once as a... commoner. Commoner's have sad lives, she said, they couldn't do a thing to make their lives like the way they lived.

"It's okay..." he began to gather his words. They couldn't stop now, for he wanted to help her in any way he could. Little did he know that his words would mean the world to the little girl. That it would bring hope to one who had lost it a long time ago. "I'll be here... I'll be by your side."

"Really?!" Her eye's beamed. Her curly hair bounced as she ran towards him. "But I don't even know you..."

"That doesn't matter." He looked down now. He felt flushed and ashamed to tell her he was a prince. What would she think of him if he told her the truth?

"Oh, but I don't live here." She said, her voice falling. Her small lips began to curve downward.

"I told you... it doesn't matter. I won't leave you," He began to stumble over his words as he spoke fast. He didn't even know he was capable of doing such a thing as this. He was unsure he could make such a bold promise.

"Why?" She finally asked. She walked until their heads were only a few inches away. "Why would you do this for me?"

He couldn't tell her he loved her. It was too fast. What if she didn't believe it? And then run away after thinking he was a liar? That would be horrible. He gulped and glanced at his surroundings, coming up with something to say.

He sighed, "Because I want to."

"Is that so? Then it's a promise?"

"Promise." He smiled.

They wrapped their pinkies with a smile as bright as the sun. But the girl never came back, and boy was waiting too long. He forgot the girl who was crying on a tree trunk and she never forgot him. For he was the one who brought her hope. A promise.

Our Promiseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें