Our Promise/7/Secret

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Their lips part and the distance grows.

They look at each other and then slowly break their glance.

Mikan touches her lips and blushes.

The Prince backs up in horror.

"I-I... I..." The words are sucked out of his mouth. "I don't... ah..." But his eyes say it all.

I don't regret it at all.

But it is embarrassing...

He bows before her, "I'm sorry." and turns away but waits for a response.

"..." She lowers to her knees and hides her face, "Is everything alright? Do you have a fever Natsume-sama?" She asks him.

He blushes.

Is she denying it???

The wind blows past them in awkward swiftness.

It's like his head is a kettle that blows furiously out of being humiliated. A scary thought comes to mind.

Should I try it again?

But what if she denies it again...? I don't think I can take it a second time...

Ugh... why did I do it?

He turns around and reveals a completely red face. Mikan avoids his eyes with an equally red-looking face. Is there anything more to describe?

She hesitantly tries to place her hand over his head to make sure that he does have a fever but she lets it stay in its place.

Her heart is sighing in the silence and her lips are itching for more but its a matter of time before it goes too far.

Her heart pounds.

I'm a maid, she reminds herself, he's a prince... he's in a higher position as me... I'm just some lowly peasant girl.

She squeezes his hand and she rests her head against his chest for just a second long.

Then... as if nothing happened, she looks up at him and smiles, "We should go back. I'm sure that your guard is waiting for Prince Hyuuga-sama..." It crushes her heart to refrain from calling him by name but its enough to keep her from doing anything unwanted. "I will prepare some tea for you then..."

She lets go of his hand.

Before he can think, his hand reaches for hers once more.

He pulls her back and pushes her against a tree. Cupping her head with one hand, he places his other hand on her hip and kisses her harder.

The air disappears and Mikan struggles at first but she grows weak in his warmth. He pushes forward and runs his hands in her hair. She can't help but push back and kiss him just as hard.

It's almost like a race.

Mikan's head completely goes empty and silent, she doesn't know what she's doing and its the same for Natsume. Only he wants it to last forever. They don't know what's happening but its warm and cold, bitter and sweet, soft and stiff. It's everything.

Natsume groans as she places her hands on his neck.

It doesn't stop, not even as they stop to breath. 

"I was jealous," Natsume mumbles against her lips. ,"-And I couldn't help myself... You denied my feelings and I had to prove they are real." 

Mikan breathes hard as she clenches the collar of his shirt.

The sun goes down, they sit next to each other wrapped up in each other's arms.

"I'm a maid." Mikan mutters as the tears drop down her cheeks.

Natsume holds her closer and watches the sun float down slowly each second. "And I'm a Prince but I don't care."

"It isn't right."

"I don't care." He growls as he takes her face in his hands, "I love you."

Mikan sobs. She leans closer and hides her face in his chest. "Am I allowed to love you? I'm just a peasant. I'm a maid. I'm nothing."

He kisses her again and breathes against her face, "You're everything to me. I think you're fine just the way you are."

"I love you too..." Mikan's eyes dart down. "Do you really think it's fine just the way it is? Won't we get in trouble?"

He sighs and looks up at navy sky. "Does it really matter if we love each other?"

His drunk smile causes her heart to run like crazy, but his eyes instantly draw her in.

"I know you said that you wanted to meet that boy who promised to be by your side but is it alright if I take his place?"

Her tears start to flow consecutively. "Okay", she mumbles. 

Then he wipes her tears with his sleeves and picks her up, "I wish time would freeze. I don't want to go back. "

"Me too"

He wraps an arm around her shoulder as they walk back to the castle.

His heart pounds with each step they take.

A thousand thoughts run through his head as he sweats like crazy.

What do I tell Ruka?

What do I tell Mom?

Oh god, what do I do next?

Every time he glances back at Mikan, he doesn't regret a single moment of it. His heart soars at her words.

"I love you too."

He sighs with a sad laugh, If only things could be simple.

He'll have to convince his mother even if she disapproves.

"Natsume-sama?" Mikan snaps him back to reality.

He  chuckles, "You can just call me Natsume."

"What happens now?"

They finally end up at the castle and the prince is surprised that there aren't guards searching for him.

"I don't know but for now..." He frowns as he unwraps his arm.

Mikan looks up at him," We have to keep this a secret."

He nods as he leans in to kiss her once more, "I have to talk to my mom first, is that okay?"

Mikan smiles at him and gives him an embrace before she leaves, "Hn."

He watches her from the shadow as she leaves to her house, the prince goes to his room where a note is placed on his bed.

It's from Ruka

He must have written it earlier that day.

It says,

'Natsume, I have something important to discuss with you. Come meet me by the big tree tomorrow as soon as you wake up. It's about Mikan.'

Our PromiseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon