Our Promise/11/Her Name

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Her sweet voice brought chills to Natsume even after he had hung up. His ears were so red and his heart raced at a tempo that was becoming familiar to him.

Was he really going to Mikan's house?

"Hyuuga-sama?" the maid brought him back from his thoughts, "Is there anything in which I can be of assistance?"

"Her address!" The Prince sighed, "I forgot to ask about her living quarters!"

Anna, the maid, suddenly snapped her fingers as she came up with a solution, "I believe there might be some background information on all the maids in the office."

Natsume responded with a small smile, "Can you bring me the background information for Miss-" he paused. He couldn't recall Mikan's surname. "For Miss. Mikan."

"Of course." The maid understood and with a sly smile, bowed down before him before scrambling to gather her papers.

"Now..." Natsume turned back to gather his things to prepare for his journey to see his love. His cheeks tinted as he thought of her in her bed, her hair in waves around her small flushed face. A trail of sweat began to form at the top of his head as he stared outside his window.

He began to wonder if they would be alone in her house.

"I've found them, Hyuuga-sama." So flustered from his thoughts, he didn't respond right away... nor turned her way. "I'll leave the papers on your table. Will that be all?"

"Yes." He pressed his hand down on his cold nightstand to slow his heart rate down, "Thank you."

She bowed and left the room.


The sun burned through his cloak and beads of sweat made the back of his neck itchy. He reached for his canteen of water, gulping down some of it as he sat down at the nearest bench. Ruka sat beside him, his eyes shining in amusement.

"You need to get out more often Natsume-sama." The sweat only made Ruka appear more attractive because they'd been stopped countless times by the maidens that worked around town.

"As do you." Natsume smirked as he wiped his forehead.

Ruka's smile faltered. "Remember when I sent you that letter?"

He paused from taking another gulp of refreshing water, "The one concerning Mikan?" To be honest, he completely forgot. His lips formed a straight line, "What did you want to talk about?"

"It has more to do with her background more than anything." Ruka started, unsure of what to say next. He was hesitant, almost not completely on board because he wasn't sure how Natsume would react.

"Go on?" Natsume was in a good mood. He was only a mile or so, away from seeing the brunette.

"Some of her documents are... fake." He said slowly as if he were talking to a foreigner.

The Prince narrowed his eyes at him. "Fake?" He repeated. "Are you saying that we may not be going the right way to her house?"

"Prince." Ruka eyes widened in anxiety, "I'm proposing that her identity may not be what we believe it to be. She may not go by how she appears in the documents. I couldn't find much on her-"

His hands clenched along with his canteen, "Did Mother put you up to this?"

"..." Ruka looked away and wiped at his eyes, frustrated with Natsume, "I'm saying that there's something more to Mikan than you know. We haven't even known her for longer than weeks."

Natsume glared at him, "You didn't bother denying that you're involved with Mother. She wouldn't approve of a maid! Of course." He waved his hands in the air in anger, "Of course she'd run a background check and have my best friend investigate."

"Natsume." Ruka says with a low voice, "She did ask me to investigate but I would never do that to spite you. I did it because I wanted to defend Mikan. She's my friend." He muttered.

"..." He crossed his arms.

"All I'm saying is that there's something Mikan isn't telling us. She may not even come from a low class. I'm trying to help you here. I'm still your best friend afterall."

Natsume ran his hands through his hair with a sigh, "I understand." The sun was halfway done so they got up and continued on traveling down the road to Mikan's house. "I hope this is the way to her house."

Ruka let out a rather ill-mannered snort, "Stop that."

The Prince gave him a look which turned into a smile and then a sigh, "Does she really walk all this way to the palace?"

His friend gave him a sad smile, "When you are desperate, distance doesn't matter."

"..." He couldn't help but think that he meant more then he let on.

After what seemed like a hour they came to a stop in front of a small cottage-like house. The chimney released clouds of smoke and the windows were covered by satin curtains. In front of the house the yard was sprinkled in flowers of all shapes and colors. Most of them were white, pink, and orange. The entrance had a canopy of vines and blossoms. The whole scenery brought warmth to Natsume's heart.

This had to be Mikan's home.

He was about to knock when the door was sprung open. Mikan's braid rested over her left shoulder down to her elbow. Her face was flustered because she still had a fever-Natsume could assume because she was out of breath.

"Natsume-sama... and Ruka-sama!" Her rosy cheeks puffed up making her eyes narrow behind her. "Come in!" She pleaded.

As Natsume took his time coming in, he glanced at the pictures on the wall. There were many of Mikan in her childhood. She wore many dresses and had pig tails in almost every one he observed. He smiled.

The door shut behind them and Mikan led the way to the dining area where tea was prepared on the table.

"Would you two like some tea?"

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