Our Promise/3.5/Maid Life

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The alarm rings in Mikan's ears powerfully. She groans with her hand over the clock lazily. "Ughhhh..."

Every morning at 5.

She throws the blanket to the side and her legs roll over the bed and land on the floor. She crawls to her dresser since she's half asleep. When she takes out her maid outfit and turns on the light to the bathroom, her eyes contract because of the brightness of the lamp, so she has to block her eyes and then she's wide awake.

She takes a hot shower and after she is done, she brushes her teeth, changes into her maid outfit, and applies light makeup as well as brushing her hair/fixing them into pigtails.

"Done." She sighs and eats a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, strawberries, and apple juice.

She is done by 6. After cleaning she leaves a plastic-wrapped bowl of oatmeal with a note for her brother and then heads straight down to the castle of the kingdom of Alice.

"Good morning Miss. Yukihara." The other maids greet her lovingly, except one.

"Good morning everyone." She greets even the one who glares at her.

"Whatever." Her name is Luna and although she's been there longer than Mikan, everyone seems to treat Mikan a thousand times better. "You're late." She's the head maid and very jealous of Mikan for various reasons.

One of the maids ignores her, "It must be tough to live far from the castle and care for a younger brother as well."

Mikan shakes her head, "You are right Miss Koizumi. I'll make sure to wake up sooner from now on." She bows and it causes the other maids to glare at Luna for making her apologize. Even though Mikan lives faraway and has no means of transportation.

Luna turns away pouting. "You better. The King, Queen, Prince, and Princess all need us so we need to take our jobs seriously. Am I clear?"

"Yes Miss Koizumi." Mikan's head is still bowed down even after she has left the prepping room. This causes an uproar with the other maids.

"What is her problem?"

"Jeez~poor Yukihara-san!"

"She needs to lose that attitude."

"Why hasn't she been fired yet?" They argue at each other. An issue indeed. But Mikan doesn't think about her at all.

All she can think about is the Prince. What would he think of her if she were this late to bring him breakfast, or prepare his bed? Surely he'd be upset and he might even fire her for it.

"I need to wake up earlier." she decides but the other maids tell her that they'll cover for her.

"It's alright." one of the maids says, "The King as well as the Queen are very kind."

"I can not take advantage of their kindness. It is my duty to serve them, not the other way around."

Thus she earns the glowing respect of her fellow maids and even their blessing with the Prince.

"Do you think that she'll be the next Queen?" They gossip one day. "You've seen the way the Prince acts around her haven't you?"

"Yes. I believe so." They giggle and earn a glare from the head maid, Luna.

"Get back to work!!!"

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