Our Promise/2/Present

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"What about this one?" He flung a small stuffed bunny over his shoulder to show Ruka who was admiring tea cups.

"Eh..." He frowned, "Princ-"

"Shhh... people will hear you." Natsume whispered.

"Then... Hyuuga-sama-"



"Uh... just call me by a code name or something."

They stood there, in the antique shop(They couldn't find any suitable jewelry in the jewelry store) thinking up names for Natsume. But none could come to mind.

"Should I just call you Natsu?" Ruka said sheepishly, he was a bit shy. He never once referred to his Majesty's son in such a informal manner.

"I guess that's okay." He shrugged, "Anyways... what were you going to talk about?"

"Uh..." He racked his brains but sighed a moment later, "I forgot..."

"Let's just keep looking." he chuckled.

"Okay..." Ruka glanced from shelf to shelf. He admired each little thing carefully, but he couldn't concentrate because a lot of girls were staring at both Natsume and him. "Uh.... Natsu... we are being stared at."

"It may be better if you talk informally too, Ruka."

"Why is it okay for you to call my name? That's not fair. Wait that's not the point here is it? I was saying just a moment ago that we're being stared at, didn't I?" He said in a cranky manner.

"Just ignore them." He glared at them. They gasped and ran in the opposite direction.

"I thought you said to ignore them."

"Oops, I accidentally looked at them."

"Grrrr... you shouldn't treat girls that way." Ruka muttered as he spotted something nice. "Hey... look at that right there." He pointed in that direction. It was as if it were a present from the heavens. A ray of sunshine exposed it as if that were the 'chosen one'.

"What is it?" Natsume dead-panned.

"It's something all girls love." Ruka stated with a hint of gleam.

Natsume approached it and picked it up in his hand. He let it hand down and he frowned. "This cheap piece of junk... is what all girls desire?"

It was a golden locket with a key etched on it. You could open it and insert pictures of anything you wanted.

"Natsu... don't say that too loud. There are girls glaring at you." Natsume turned and stuck his tongue out at them.

"Man, this is harder than I thought." he knelled down, running a heavy hand through his hair.

"You said this girl... likes Polka-dots?" Ruka scratched his head in thought.

"Oh, I don't really know what she likes..."

"Then why did you say that?"

"That's because her underwear is Polka-dotted printed." He said with a smirk. Ruka blushed and faced away from him.

"P-p-p-p-p-p-p-pervert!!! Ruka shouted. They decided to call it a day and come back another day until Natsume found out what other things Mikan liked.


Natsume sighed as he rested on his chair. He had a lot of paperwork to get rid of. He took a deep breath, stepped around the room for a little while, opened the window, and finally sat back down. He didn't want to do his work so he stalled a bit longer. He searched for food in the kitchen.

A purr came from outside.

He grinned as he thought of an evil plan. He sneaked past the maids and went straight for the fridge.

"Hyuuga-sama?" Mikan raised her brows as Natsume shut the fridge close.

"Yes? I thought I told you to call me by name. It was an order." he said as a distraction as he peered out the window and back. How was he going to get water for the little cat outside his window?

"O-oh... yes. Forgive me Natsume-sama." She stuttered.

"Natsume is fine." He frowned.

"Is there anything you desire to eat?" She said.

"Uh, I just wanted a bit of water.." he said slowly, without trying to draw attention to himself, "...in a bowl..."

"Hyuuga... uh I mean... Natsume-sama wants water in a bowl?"

"Yes." He said. He felt his pride crack a bit.

He took the bowl of water outside only to find there was a bowl already. The cat was sipping at it happily. He looked around, trying to find the culprit. Now what was he supposed to do with a bowl of water. He sighed as he sat next to the purring cat and began to mimic it by drinking it.


"Eh? Natsume-sama? What could this be?" Mikan shifted uncomfortably as a perfectly wrapped box, the size of a fist, was presented to her in such a manner. Natsume had no emotion whatsoever. He simply just stared at her face for her reaction.

"I made you cry the other day." he said softly. "Sorry."

Mikan widened her eyes. Her hands shook as she took the small thing off his hands. She only glanced down at it. "This... i-it is the first time that anyone has given me a gift." A grin spread from ear to ear as she unwrapped. "Uwah... a locket? A necklace? It's beautiful." She giggled as she lifted it up to the sun.

"Do you like it?" Natsume turned his head to the side in curiosity.

"I love it." Her cheeks tinted pink as she gazed at it in amazement. The Prince got her something. He was the first to get her something at all. "Thank you." Traces of tears gleamed from the corner of her eye's. She was so happy for such a small thing.

Suddenly, Natsume's heart grew three inches more that day.

He felt something he never felt before. Maybe it was the satisfaction of getting such a great gift. Or maybe it was something more. He didn't know.

He suddenly felt like buying more things for her, just so he could see that expression on her again. "Should I get you something else?" He suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Eh? N-no, I will feel indebted to Natsume-sama." She blushed as she clenched the box and the locket to her chest. "I am forever grateful to Natsume-sama." She bowed her head, her small body shaking.

"Hn." He smirked and patted her hair lightly, "No more crying."

"H-Hai!" She nodded quickly, then straightening her body as she lifted her head up. She shook as she attempted to place the locked around her neck but her arms were too long.

"..." Natsume grew closer and took the necklace in his hands. He felt a little shock from touching her hands and his heart beat ran faster. He picked up her fluffy pig-tails and placed them on the either side of her head. Her neck exposed itself and he felt himself feeling a bit shy. He held his breath as he struggled to connect the ends of the locket. "T-there." He huffed in the end and Mikan was blushing from forehead to chin.

"Mm..." Natsume blushed too and soon, they stood there. Avoiding each others' gazes, blushing like a stupid coupleXD.

To be continued...

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