Our Promise/14/Kisses and Coffee

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Soft snores came from under the comforter but they came to Mikan as a shock as she entered Prince Natsume's room.

"..." A slight blush escalated up to her ears as she quietly walked over to his nightstand where cups and bowls were kept. She frowned at the Prince. Her first day back and already, he left a gift for her.

She turned on her heels to take only the dishes back. Since the Prince was sleeping, there wasn't much she could do. No tending to the bed, no wiping down the window blinds, etc. Maybe she could just do his laundry that he generously left on the floor for her.

In front of her feet was his long sleeved shirt.

Obviously, the thought of him shirtless came into her head.

"Mm... Mikan?" He muttered while rotating his head back. His body was facing the opposite side of where Mikan was.

"Good morning Prince Natsume." Flustered, Mikan glanced away from him and focused on the dishes in her hands.

"Welcome...back" Natsume's voice dripped with laziness. He was clearly half-asleep. "Drop those and come here." He turned his body over and opened his arms wide, inviting her into his arms innocently.

Mikan's face burned as she had predicted correctly.

He was shirtless-

"N-natsume!" She struggled with the dishes in her arms so she rushed to the door. Her back facing him. As much as she wanted to be with him, this was too much for her to handle.

"Where are you going?"

She didn't think it was possible but her heart was pounding even more, "I uh..." She gulped, "I have... work to do..." She was drawing a blank as she struggled to keep her gaze glued to the door. Her feet weren't moving. At least she wasn't staring at his chest. Now that would be embarrassing...

Natsume rubbed his face and sighed, still trying to wake up. His steps were light as he made his way towards Mikan. He leaned against the door with one hand resting against the doorknob and the other trapping Mikan in the space between him and the door. "I said, come here."

He placed the dishes down on the table near the door and wrapped his arms around Mikan. His head buried in her hair. How he missed her dearly.

Mikan stood frozen for a second.

Her heart stopped too.

Natsume held her close, she could feel the heat radiating off of him and it was then that it occurred to her.

She pulled away carefully and pressed her forehead to his, "Natsume-sama! Are you feeling alright?"

It was the only rational reason that ran through her head as to why he would be doing any of these things so carelessly in the palace.

He only laughed and pressed his lips to hers as she was distracted. A red tint colored her cheeks.

"Would I do that if I were sick?" He put a finger to her lips as she was about to answer, "Don't answer that. I wouldn't try to infect you if I were sick. I'm perfectly healthy."

Her lips quivered under his touch and he noticed. A smirk made its way on his face. His face was so close to hers that she could feel his breath on the tip of her nose. It made her heart flip... then suddenly, nothing was coming to her. She couldn't think.

Don't freak out Mikan. Just breathe...in...out...

She felt like she was going to pass out. Her knees were giving out. And she swears her heart gave out like two or three times.

And what is going on with her sweat glands?

"Why are you so nervous?" He whispered against her neck as he trailed kisses up her to her cheek. He laughed at her stiffness. He ran a hand through her hair and kissed her forehead. Then he backed up and pulled her along to his bed. He sat down and pulled her down next to him. "Sorry... I just... I missed you badly strawberry." He pecked her nose. It was like he couldn't help showering her in kisses. It was very fatal to Mikan who felt her fever was making a comeback. "I can't help it..."

But she couldn't deny it that she could feel that he loved her very much so she gave Natsume her own kiss. It was a little hard but she buried her hands in his hair and felt his smile against her own. Then she pulled back and noticed the daze in his eyes.

"I thought I was the only one." She admitted while looking down at her fingers in her lap. Even looking down at her maid outfit, their relationship hasn't dawned on her. All Mikan can think about is the Prince in front of her. He takes up so much space in her head, there's room for nothing else. "It's beating so fast." She placed his hand above her chest and he smiled at her.

"Mine too."




Mikan was giddy all afternoon. Small things reminded her of that morning. The dishes. The clothes hanging from all sides. The strands of hair that got in her eyes. At the moment, she was folding the clothes that belonged to the Prince. Even a chore as that made her smile permanent.

Would it be weird if she smelled his shirt?

Yes it would, but now she can now say as a matter of fact that she loves his scent.

"Mikan!" Anna scurries to her side and bumps her hip, "What's going on with you and the Prince?"

Her ears perked and turned pink but her hair hid them well, "Anna, get back to work..." She laughed nervously.

"No, really." She pressed, not being able to suppress the huge smile on her face.

"No, really... Get back to work. You know how the Queen hates gossip."

Out of all the things that could have happened, she happened to be there behind them. Mikan dropped the Princes' uniform on the floor. Just as quickly, she picked it up and and ran a lint roller over it.

"Good afternoon Hyuuga-sama!" Mikan bowed before her as did Anna.

"You judged correctly. I absolutely detest gossip." She crossed her arms curiously. Her polished nails tapping against them. She stared Mikan down. "Would you... accompany me for a cup of coffee?"

 Mikan was still bowed before her. She didn't let the surprise show on her face as she responded. "As you wish Hyuuga-sama." Was all she could manage to croak while her hands were shaking like crazy.

Anna, however, looked as pale as a peeled potato. It didn't reassure Mikan at all.

What if she had heard their conversation?

Mikan kept her head leveled so she didn't look like a complete wreck. While on the inside, her mind was running all kinds of thoughts.

She couldn't help clenching her apron as she followed the Queen. The Queen walked with grace and showed nothing but elegance in her stance.

Mikan could only pray that she wouldn't get a public hanging for being with the Queen's son.


Cliff hanger:)

I wonder if people are still reading this:D

Anyways... stay tuned for another update soon! Things will only get more interesting from here!

I'm starting the new chapter as we speak, or is it read????

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