Our Promise/8/Day Off

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The slightest light creeps through the window. A creak escapes from the floorboards as Mikan makes her way through.

It's not that dark but the sun has set. She hasn't prepared food for Grandpa or for her brother. She wonders if he has come home yet.

"Youichi??" She calls but no answer comes.

She assumes he has fallen asleep by now. Her eyes droop but she gets out some stuff from the fridge to make him a lunch for tomorrow. Before she prepares the food, she pulls her hair into a ponytail and washes her hands.

"Onee-chan?" Her little brother wipes his eyes as he stands by the entrance of the kitchen.

She picks him up and pecks his forehead. "I'll take you back to bed."

"Can I help?" he mumbles sleepily but Mikan shakes her head.

"You're tired aren't you?" She laughs. He warms his arms around her neck and closes his eyes.


"Did Grandpa make you something to eat?"

"Yes..." He slurs. "Did you eat?"

She doesn't answer and instead places him in bed. She frowns as she notices the window. "You opened the window?"

Mikan places her hand on his head and feels the slight height coming off of him.

"It was hot when I went to bed yesterday."

"Youichi!!!" Mikan sits by his bed and wraps him in his blankets, then closes the window. She takes out some syrup for him to drink but his nose cringes. "Take the medicine."

She looks at the clock and back to the window where the castle is in the distance.

"You have to be more careful. It's getting colder each day."

He coughs slightly,"I'm sorry." 

She feels bad for scolding him but grandpa can barely take care of himself and shes hardly there to help him out. "I won't be able to take care of you forever."

Youichi reaches out to her and smiles, "Why not? I'll always need you onee-chan."

She touches his forehead and it appears to be warm but not hot enough to be a fever. Even so... she's glad he took the syrup. "I must prepare your food for tomorrow. Good night Youichi."

He hums and turns on his side. Mikan turns off the lights and heads back to the kitchen. She stumbles and then leans on the fridge. Her hands shake but she grips the handle of the fridge door. "I can't afford to be this way." She mutters as sweat drips down her face, "Not now.... " She rests her head against the door frame and lets a shaky sigh escape her cold lips. "Mm.."




As the sun peeps over the hill, it reminds Mikan of how beautiful mornings are. Usually, when she was a child, she missed out on mornings like these because she slept in all the time. Her brother however, always woke up early.

"It's so pretty." It's kinda odd that a kid his age appreciates something like this. Mikan swings his hand up and down.

"You should really rest some more." She sighs, "How is it that you are an early bird and I am not?!"

"You jealous?" He teases, "Anyways... what should we do today?"

What she'd really like to do is take him somewhere only he'd truly enjoy himself.

"How about we go to the kingdom?

He ponders about it and grins, "Okay!!!" So they dress up and put on their shoes. By the time Mikan heads outside her knees feel unstable. She sighs and sits for a moment.

"Hurry up Onee-chan." Youichi tugs at his sisters sleeves.

"Are you wearing enough layers?


"Bring your pack of food, water?"


"Alright then... let's go." She grips the door knob carefully and huffs a sigh of relief. 

It's been so long since she's taken out Youichi on an outing. He's been so busy with school, and Mikan with work. Today is her first day off since being promoted as head maid. She feels accomplished yet sad.

Luna had lost her job for reasons unknown to her and it felt a bit lonely without her strict orders. "What's wrong?" Youichi squeezes her hand tenderly.

"I'm just thinking."

He narrows his eyes softly with a hint of curiosity. He's never been a kid that had his curiosity speak for him but when it came to his big sister, he tried his best to be the one that always helped her even when  she didn't need it.

"Thank you for taking me out today." He decides to blurt.  Even though he wants to ask, today he's a bit afraid of what is really happening.

Mikan pats his head , "You're so kind. Of course. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you lately."

He grins. The truth is that he loves his sister so dearly that he promised that he'd always protect her.

"Now... what should we do? The antique shop, the sweet shop, any shop in mind Youichi?"

"The sweet shop!!!! Let's see if they have Howalon!!!"

As they walk up the entrance of the store a woman with black hair passes them.

Mikan immediately recognizes the lady to be the princess that was mean to be Natsumes arranged partner.

Princess Hotaru.

They meet eyes for just a split second.

It's enough to get Mikan bowing before her.


Hotaru eyes her carefully and then her brows raise.

"Oh...." As if she just figured it out, she extends a hand out to her. "There's no need for that..."

"Mikan... S-Sakura Mikan."

"Ah... Mikan. If you have a moment to spare... would you like to have tea with me?"

She looks a Youichi as she rises up. His face pales. She can tell he is worried so she tells the princess that she'll be back in just a moment. Mikan quickly buys a pack of Howalon and hands it to Youichi.

"Yes of course princess." Mikan bows once more.

Princess Hotaru smiles just slighly and then turns on her heels.

Theres not a single guard by her side. 

What did I do?

Mikan holds Youichi tightly and gives him an apologetic look. He shakes his head and faces forward fiercely.

Hotaru heels click mockingly in Mikan's ears. The last time she encountered Hotaru, it was quite a bad moment. It seemed that the prince had a disagreement with her. She looked ominous and eerie. The look of beauty, elegance, pride, and wealth. She could flip this whole universe upside down. Flustered, Mikan walks in step with her and bows her head down... ashamed to be in the presence of the princess. 

"Mikan. Don't be so nervous. I am merely another person. Alright?"

Kind as well. Mikan adds that to the list of admirable traits this person has.

"I do not know what has gotten you so frightened. I just want to have a chat with you."

Mikan gulps as they enter an isolated cafe, deep in an allyway. She clenches Youichi tightely, not knowing what will become of them.

Just what on earth did I do?

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