Our Promise/ 9/First Impressions

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At first, silence envelopes the room. It's funny because there are people in tables surrounding them but they are the only ones that are sipping tea and sitting in complete tenseness.

"Er..." Mikan glances up from her cup and then down, "You have something you want to talk about with me?"

"Hm." She sips and then brushes her hair down.

Mikan takes her in.

She's slim and gorgeous. Like a porcelain doll.

"Mikan... you said your name was?"

She takes a shaky breath, "Yes, Imai-sama."

"Hotaru." She says dryly. "Just Hotaru."

"Ah... Hotaru-sama-"


Mikan squirms in her seat and her brother stares at the both of them. He almost wants to laugh but it might make his sister worried.

He instead looks at the other girl. 

She's dressed casually in a plain purple gown that goes to her knees and on top is a coat. She could almost pass as a common person around here.

But why is she here alone?

"Who are you anyway? A friend of my onee-chan?" Youichi breaks the ice and Mikan panics of his informality. At least he didn't say, 'who the heck are you?' like he speaks to the other kids at his school.

Contrary to what Mikan was thinking Hotaru would do, she chuckles lightly, "I'm a princess little boy and your name?"

"Youichi. You're pretty." He admits without getting embarrassed. Mikan gawks at him.

"You mean she's beautiful!" Mikan blurts and once realizing what she's said, she blushes. "Er... I mean..."

Hotaru only smiles, "Is that what you think?"

She flushes. Ah... can this be even more awkward?

"Am I taking much of your time?" Hotaru leans forward.

Mikan shakes her head. "N-not at all."

"No need to be so formal. Just a talk between us girls and boy." She glances at Youichi. "How old are you by the way?"

"10. How old are you?"


"It's fine." She nods, "I'm 17."

She's older than me.

Youichi nibbles on his food and looks at his sister.

"Anyways... as you know... I'm princess of the Imai Kingdom. It's an important time of my life in which I consider marriage."

Mikan silently listens. Hotaru folds her hands on the table.

"What do you do if you don't want to get married but you've done nothing but listen to your parents for years and you're too afraid to say 'no'? I've... tried to do everything in my power to help our kingdom and so far... its been improving more than before. But, they're rushing to get all these meetings so that I can choose a husband of high standing. I can handle the kingdom on my own but they don't see that."

"I think that you should talk to them about how this marriage is your choice and yours alone and explain that you cherish the kingdom more than your personal life so it isn't time to worry about something like that. Isn't that right?"

Hotaru stares at her. 

Mikan blushes, "Er... that's what I was thinking... sorry." She mumbles under her breath. "I shouldn't have said anything."

"You're right." A hint of a smile spreads on her face. "That's a good reason and I do care more about the kingdom than I do about some flimsy relationship."

Mikan nods a little as she stares at her tea. "I've heard nothing but good things about your kingdom. I think you're doing a good job... no... an amazing job at keeping your kingdom at peace."

A small blush presents itself on her cheeks, "T-thank you."

A silence comes back again so Mikan takes the time to sip at my tea. Youichi glances between the two of them.

"So you have a day off from work?" She says, her voice softer now. Mikan's face lights up, if only slightly.


"It must be horrid, working for that spoiled Prince." Mikan's ears perk up at the sound of him but she feels a little upset by her words. "Lazy, spoiled, and rotten to the core."

"That's not true-" She coughs, "Excuse my language Hotaru... -sama... but is it right to judge upon first impressions?"

All while face flustered, she finds the confidence to defend him-well only because she can't just sit there and take it.

Because if it were the other way around, surely she'd want him to defend her.

"I don't think its right to assume because of one impression. Sure-at first-it may appear as so but you haven't spent days with him-"

She remembers about their relationship and so she slap her mouth shut.

People around them look back in response to the sound while Youichi and Hotaru's eyes widen with raised brows.

Her face flushes deep red as if she's choking on her food.

Oh no, what have I done?

Hotaru's eyes narrow, with furrowed brows now. One can tell that she's suspected something by now.

"What is your relationship?"

Mikan swallows hard, "What are you referring to?" trying to keep her sweat from filling buckets.

"You have a boyfriend, onee-chan?"

At that moment, she wants to punch her brother but she can't because he isn't doing anything wrong. Still. Why did he have to ask such a question?

"O-Of course not." Dang my stuttering. "I'm just saying that as a maid I have witnessed myself how kindhearted the prince is and although he appears to be lazy he is actually hardworking."

"Hm..." Hotaru frowns, "Not convincing but its clear to me that there's something more to this than meets the eye."

Mikan sighs, grateful that she stands up, "Thank you for your time Mikan. You have made a fine first impression." She says with a joking smile. Mikan looks up and gives her a grin.

"Same to you, Hotaru-sama."

"Call me Hotaru, I insist and hopefully we can meet again for some tea or even better-food." She takes her belongings and walks away gracefully. Mikan stares at her cup of half-full tea and dreading the moment that had just presented itself, she silently screams into her napkin.

"Is true onee-chan?" He whispers, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

His eyes, as cute as they are, threaten to tell the world. She feels bad to lie to her little brother but she must because it may prove to be dangerous later. 

"No I don't. Why would I need one if I have you?" She runs a hand through his hair and messes it all up. He chuckles.

"That's true."

After finishing her tea, she takes Youichi back home where she makes dinner. She stares at the door and falls into a deep thought.

If only things were a bit different would they end different? If they still had their parents would she still meet Natsume? Many questions pop into her head but soon they leave and in their place remains the thought that her life, although not the best, is enough.

Her legs feel weak so she finishes dinner and tucks in Youichi for bed early because the next day is another day for her to work and Youichi to go to school.

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