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20 Years Before the Awakening

Death often hid in the darkest shadows, and there were no darker shadows than those left behind by monsters. The little girl with the universe in her eyes watched as the heavy boots of soldiers stomped above, moonlight filtering through the sewage grate in waves. The bundle in her spindly arms wiggled, crystalline blue eyes gazing up at her with adoration. She tried to swallow her fear, but it stuck in her throat.

The air was crisp where she hid, frothing from her mouth in a white fog as she crouched, but she didn't feel cold. The fire that danced beneath her skin was as familiar as the bundle in her arms, each easing the fear that forced her heartbeat into such a fast tap tap tap tap.

"Papa?" She whispered, slipper clad feet shuffling forward and scraping audibly against the rough floor, "My arms are tired."

"Hush, Eldora," her mother chastised, soft hands threading around the girl and pulling her back, "We mustn't be heard, baby. Papa's not here."

Eldora bit her lip hard, tasting bittersweet copper when the skin broke beneath her teeth. Her mother made no move to take the baby from her daughter's arms, eyes trained on the soldiers that marched above. Eldora clutches her brother closer, cradling him against her chest like she'd been shown. She was a big girl, or at least her father often told her so. The sewer was a cavern of darkness, but Eldora didn't fear the inky night surrounding them so much as the monsters roaming above.

"Is Papa coming back?" She asked again, shifting her weight from side to side.

"Eldora, hush."

Silence fell in the sewer, and Eldora swore the world outside fell silent too. It was like her favorite line, from the fairy tale her father read her so often - monsters may lurk in darkness, but the light always glows within you.

She closed her eyes, imagining her papa dancing in the darkness - weaving a net of magic around the monsters who sought to harm her. Her skin glowed faintly in response, her veins bright through her pale skin. She was of the kind born with a spark of magic living deep within, and even now she felt its pull in her veins. She was the light.

A blast rocked the ceiling of the sewer, raining rubble and ash. Shrieking, Eldora turned to run, her little bundle tight against her chest. She plunged into the darkness, unaware when her mother's screams were abruptly cut short. She was running from hideous monsters, her feet rhythmically pounding against the concrete until it matched the erratic pattern of her breathing.

Thunder trailed at her heels, nipping at her until tears stung her eyes - but Eldora kept running. She could hear their heavy footfalls against the coarse concrete floor, her mind conjuring up all kinds of horrific images for the monsters she thought followed. Long claws scraping like metal against the walls, digging deep gouges as they snarled for her blood.

With no warning, thick, coarse hands plucked her from the ground - tearing a raw scream from her throat. Her bundle was pulled from numb fingers as Eldora screamed louder, little red sparks bursting around her in response.

"She's just a child," Drawled the monster holding her, hands tightening on her waist to better shake her as she flailed, "Stop screaming, will you?"

Eldora ceased, chest spasming as she coughed. Her throat was raw, as if she'd swallowed a thousand nails - but the baby immediately picked up where she had left off, its wail echoing off the stone walls.

"She may be a child," growled the darkness holding her brother, "but she and the baby are magic blooded, see how her eyes glow."

Rough hands twisted and turned Eldora until she was suspended in front of a large bear of a man - her gray eyes staring into a pair of harsh brown ones. She examined the monster, realizing with a jolt that it was actually a man. His face was round and pudgy like her Uncle's, but his unfamiliar eyes were hard and unforgiving as he poked and prodded her.

"Ay, she's tainted," He sighed, twisting and turning her until she once again faced the darkness, "Eyes as grey as her soul, no doubt. King Bram would not be pleased."

"The baby's blood is likely tainted too," the other monster - or rather man - said, shifting the crying baby until it was an arms length away, reaching to his belt for the wicked knife he kept there, "No reason to take risks. Our orders are clear, we dispose of and destroy all those who are marked - in the new king's name."

His words were punctuated by a shrill wail from the baby, and Eldora watched in horror as her brother was dropped into the briny sewer water. She let out a piercing scream - surely the men knew babies couldn't breath under water?

"She can likely swim," the man holding her shouted over the wails, "But do you want to waste a bullet on her?"

Eldora struggled as she was passed to the other, true monster, tears blurring her vision as she watched the water in hopes her brother would surface. No such miracle happened - but Eldora was so caught up in hoping, she doesn't notice the hands curling around her neck until it was too late.

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