16: Athena

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By the ninth day, Athena finally triumphed over the spoon. All else had been wiped from her mind - the war, her family and that annoying boy Jax. The simple spoon had taken over her thoughts completely; it was as if all else faded from being. She was focusing so intently, she was at first unaware the spoon had changed. She continued to stare at it numbly. But when reality had penetrated her mind, Athena jumped from the bed, pumping her fist and shouting in happiness. For a moment there was nothing to be worried about.

Then the door opened, and everything came crashing back. The guard stationed outside came in with her gun raised and her eyes alert. She pushed Athena roughly back, forcing her to fall back onto her bed and smack her head into the wall.

"Why did you make that noise?" The guard half-shouted, cold eyes trained on Athena.

Who shrugged, tossing her spoon at the guard. It clattered pitifully to the floor.

"I've finally bent the damn thing," Athena snapped, one hand rubbing the back of her head gingerly, "Go and get the doctors."

The guard clenched her jaw, but backed out of the room. Athena lay down, stacking her hands behind her head. She was exhausted, but only in a mental sense. Athena had spent no time going through her floor exercises, because her fascination in the spoon and her need to bend it had consumed her. Now, Athena had mild throbbing in her skull that indicated she would likely have a migraine by nightfall.

"You bent it! I told you it was possible!" Came a shout.

Theodore burst into the room, all caution wiped away by excitement. The other doctors filed in behind him, murmuring excitedly to one another. Athena pushed herself into a seated position, leaning back against the wall. She flashed the doctors a strained but happy smile. Not even she could hide her pride at finally being able to use magic. Even if it was just spoon magic so far.

"I will admit, you were right about the spoon." Athena said.

"Of course I was. I had no doubt." Theodore replied confidently.

Theo grabbed his chair and pulled it over to Athena's bed. Being the senior doctor did have its perks, Athena couldn't help but think as the other doctors shuffled around. Theo sat hurriedly, scribbling manically on his clipboard.

"When did you first notice you could change it?" he asked.

"Two days ago." Athena replied.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Theo's tone was hurt.

"I didn't want to be imagining it." Athena answered with a shrug. "It was more like I was sending tremors through the spoon."

Theo shook his head, continuing to scribble.

"We won't get into that now. When did you fully bend it?"

"Just a couple of minutes ago, I cheered and the guard came in, so I sent her to get you."

More scribbling.

"Are you ever going to tell me what you write on that clipboard?" Athena snapped.

Startled by her question, Theo laid his clipboard on the table. He adjusted his glasses, then steeped his fingers before deciding to answer her question. Guess there's a first time for everything, Athena thought bitterly.

"Just observations. Nothing you need to worry about." Theo answered, anticlimactically.

Athena sighed, tipping her chair back until it rested precariously on two legs. Her gaze swept to the other doctors - who were all watching her. Athena shook her head before letting her chair fall forward with a smack. She leaned on her elbows as she waited for Theodore to announce what their next step would be.

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