Lily Kurosaki

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Name: Lily Kurosaki

Age: 16

Height: 5'2

Weight: 47kg

Hair color: Light pink

Eye color: Rosewood

Personality: Lily is very quiet and doesn't like show much emotion, she is usually seen listening to music and reading. She is very quiet due to the fact that she lost her little sister, and everyone else who was important to her. She enjoys to sing and play music when she is alone. But dislikes proforming infront of people.


Mother- Deceased

Father- Deceased

Sister- Deceased

She has no other known relatives.

Looks: Lily has a short and slender figure, she also has pale skin with light pink hair, and rosewood colored eyes. She wears a pair of headphones and a silver ring on her left pointer finger. She usually wears leggings or a pair of skinny jeans with a plain colored t-shirt and a light blue jacket. She had several scars on her lower abdomen and one scar across her upper back.

Favorite food/drink: Taro mochi and green tea.

Fears: She is scared of lightning, sharp objects, bugs, and fire

Other: She is experienced in playing the flute, cello, violin, piano, and guitar. She likes to read and whenever she goes out she usually goes to the library. She enjoys dance and anything to do with music, and art.

She is very bad at math and science and usually needs help from a tutor, she slowly starts to get better but not that much.

Lily can also be very clumsy.

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