First Sight

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After eating, Iowa and I went to take off our armour and change into something lighter and much more comfortable and head down to the training room to work off a bit of the grogginess that refused to leave our systems, even through all the coffee we had. We didn't do much, really, only sparred a bit with the same rods that CO and Georgia used before our surgery. We were both extremely careful, as any sudden movements, like getting hit on the caused a sharp sting in the back of our necks, where that little bump was.

We heard a stream of conversations from the doors coming into the training arena. Mixed in them was a very irritable sounding female voice that instantly made me want to go and hide. CO, when she's angry, is not a fun person to be around. It never ends well. Trust me. I have faced the brunt of her before; I do not want to face it again. I might be the current number one on the leader board, but the blondie scares me more than any mission out there.

I looked up at the window looking down into the training arena as she came to stand in front of it, glaring down at Iowa and I. With one look at each other, I knew Iowa felt the same kind of fear I felt. CO gave us an angry finger, then motioned for us to come up with them. I took a deep breath of air, as it might be my last, and solemnly trudged up the stairs with Iowa at my side. 

There was a tense silence between all of us. Alaska, Michigan, and Oregon all stood behind the blonde Freelancer, their eyes cast downward - like they were already mourning for us. I shut my eyes, hoping for the best.

Iowa opened her mouth, likely to beg the Pink Menace for our lives. CO's eyes immediately shot to her. Before I could react, both of them were on the ground, CO's arm locked around Iowa's neck

I didn't even try to help her. I stepped away, hiding behind the men of the group. Iowa begged for help, reaching out with the hand that wasn't being used to pull at CO's arms. "I swear to god, you two, if you ever, and I mean e-v-e-r disappear like that again, I will find you and make sure no one ever finds your bodies," she threatened. I would have laughed if I wasn't worried about my partner's life.

After a moment of somewhat strangled silence, only filled by Iowa's suppressed protests, CO released her captive. "This is how you treat your team? Let them kill each other?" Iowa gasped, massaging her neck, pointedly looking at me.

I shrugged helplessly, "It's worked so far," I made sure to edge away from the blondie, now hiding behind Oregon, as she took her place beside Alaska. Iowa watched CO closely before slowly pushing herself to her feet, ever cautious. She made her way other to me, her eyes constantly on the obviously proud woman on the other side of the group.

"Don't think you're safe, Nev," CO pointed at me with narrowed eyes and started walking towards the cafeteria. The remaining members of the group all cast a look at each other and followed her after a moment.

"Seriously, where were you guys? You had me- us worried sick!" Oregon questioned, leaning forward from the seat across from me at our table, Alaska and Michigan taking their seats beside him. CO took the seat next to Iowa, smiling in an almost cruel fashion. Iowa tried her best not to look at her.

Iowa and I just shook our heads, sighing quietly to ourselves. "I honestly don't think we can tell you guys. Sorry. Better safe than sorry at this point, really," Iowa said for us, glancing at the other Freelancers sitting at our table.

Alaska and the others nodded. "Can you tell us one thing, though?" Oregon asked, looking at Iowa and myself, crossing his arms on the table in front of him.

"Maybe. Possibly. What is it?" I asked, looking over at him as I unscrewed the cap on my water bottle. The others looked over at Oregon, waiting for him to ask his question.

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