Quick Note (Final)

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Okay, so -to those of you you have already finished this book- yes, the title has changed. And for a reason that I am about to say. Bear with me, now.

One: I'm FINALLY editing. That's right. After -almost- a year, I am editing. It's a bloody miracle, ain't it? Never thought those words would come from me, eh?

Two: In that editing, I am actually changing a lot, sadly. Slowing down the plot, spelling/grammar checks, and... actually adding some stuff. You'll see once I finish editing the first ten chapters.

Three: Again with the editing. It now corresponds with Blood On Our Hands (well, vice versa, but you know what I mean).

And, that's it. So, bear with me. I'm still improving at writing here (and writing... several stories. Yeah, let's just leave it at several, so I don't have to tell you how many are actually in progress...)

Bear with me. Bear with me. I'm working on it, trust me.

And, I hope you enjoyed this so far. I really hope ya did, and I apologize for... well, everything. All the mistakes.

Lemme just say one more thing before I leave this (for now).

Oregon will play a bigger part when I get over to editing.

I'll just let ya wonder.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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