Memories Not Her Own

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Before The Storm

I stared at the new A.I.s, surprised that they actually spoke. "Hello, Lambda, Pi. It's good to hear you," I said. "We are glad to meet our brothers," Lambda said, glancing back and forth between Iowa and myself. "We are glad to meet you to, Lambda. We welcome you both into our family, especially you, Lambda. A new face is always good around here," Zeta said. I nodded in agreement.

"What about me? I'm the better of us!" Pi said from my shoulder, in her bright, and vibrant voice. Definately like C-O. "You two are equal, Pi," I said. "Well I'm the prettier color. That makes me better," Pi argued. I sighed. "I, for one, like light blue better, but personality counts... so... just forget it. I'm not arguing with you. FILSS beats me enough, I don't need two others ranting on me," I said.

Iowa chuckled. I smiled. That's when the Director walked by. I breifly glanced at him as he walked through the door and headed straight to us, holding two, small, silver disks. "Transfer Lambda and Pi to these," The Director ordered. I just gave him a look.

"You just sent my mind through hell. Do you really think I'm in the mood to listen right now?" I asked, holding back a growl. He just gave me a look, and repeated the order. Two armed guards right out the door. Just in case you attempt one of our previous threats, Zeta said in my head. I silently okay-ed. Like I was going to try and murder the guy who saved my life several years ago...

"Lambda, Pi. Transfer. And Director, I have Pi linked to my unit. If I feel anything wrong with her, I will take her back and refuse to ever let you get near her again." I said. "The same for me to. Don't try any of your damn experiments," Iowa said.

"Do not worry about that, Agent Iowa. These A.I. will be going to two of your fellow agents. Agents Montana and Colorado, but they will not be implanted," The Director said. I knew Pi transferred. "Pi is transferred. What about Lambda?" I asked Iowa. "transferred," She answered.

The Director nodded, and left the room, without giving us some kind of 'thank you'. "Dick,,," Iowa muttered in his general direction. "That's immature, Iowa," Zeta said. "I don't give a damn," She said, but she was chuckling. I smiled as well.

Soon after, Alaska passed by with the Counselor. He noticed us standing there, then, looking at the Counselor, who just nodded at him. He walked in. "Neva.. You okay?" He simply asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine now. Thanks for asking," I responded. "Hey. Hope the implant goes well. Just giving you a word of warning, but it hurts like hell, but then you get knocked out..." Iowa said.

"Yes, like that is very comforting, Iowa," Alaska said. "Agent Alaska, we need to continue heading toward the implantation room," the Counselor said from the door. Alaska nodded, gave me a concerned look, then left with the Counselor.

About thirty to fourty minutes later, the Counselor informed us that Alaska, Michigan, and Oregon were out of surgery, and that it went well. "Thank you, Counselor. It is okay if we got and sit with them, right?" I asked. he nodded. "Yes, Agent Nevada. You two may go and sit with them. The Director believes that having...friends there could help the recovery time," He said.

I growled. Does everything have to lead back to him? I'll be fine with the Director in a few days, but right now I'm not exactly happy with him.

"Come on Nevada. Let's just go." Iowa said, leading me out the door and away from the Counselor. We entered the infirmary. Alaska was on one bed in the middle of the room. Michigan was to his left, and Oregon was to Michigan's left, and was closest to the door. My bed in the far corner was free, and so was the one to the right of it, where Iowa usually was.

Most agents are just put on random beds, but Iowa and I somehow made it clear that the last two beds were ours. They kept with that, and never put anyone on the last two.

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