Similar To Children Racing

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before the storm

Iowa and I alerted the Director. "Sir, I had several dreams, and all of them showed that someone was following us. Even before the retrieval of the A.I.s.," I said, actually forgetting the hostility from yesterday. "Was there any indication as to who it was, Agent Nevada?" He asked, still staring at a monitor.

"I'm pretty sure it was Vanguard, sir," I responded. "And why is that?" He questioned. "It said Tracer. Zeta said Tracer was a member of Vanguard. And these A.I. were based off of Vanguard members. I'm pretty sure that gives enough evidense," I answered.

"Good, Agent Nevada. I'll give Agent Alaska, Michigan, and Oregon a day to recover when they are awoken. When they do, we will wait a day, then I want all of you armored and ready to move out," The Director said, standing up and putting his hands behind his back. Iowa and I nodded.

"Yes, sir," We said. He nodded, and dismissed us. We walked out of the room. "I'm actually worried about those Vanguard people. Are they strong? And how the hell have we not seen them?" Iowa asked, a hint anger in her voice. I just shook my head. "I wish I knew. Zeta, please tell me. Did you or any of your brothers and sister ever find them on the radar. I need you to be truthful with me," I asked my A.I.

He appeared on my shoulder. "No, only faint signatures, but in those times, It was never clear. No way to tell," He said. I sighed. "He stayed just out of range, didn't he?' I asked. "Yes," Zeta responded. Iowa and I both sighed. "This is going to be harder than we thought," Iowa said. I nodded.

During lunch time, Kappa alerted us that Alaska had a awoken. Iowa and I smiled at each other, then sprinted to the infirmary. Alaska was just getting up when we entered the room. "How you feeling, Al?" Iowa asked.

He cracked his neck. "Fine, but a little sore," He responded with a yawn. I nodded. "Yeah, BioImmunity Transplant takes it's toll," I said, purposely using the correct term to confuse Iowa. "Seriously, no big words," Iowa said, smiling.

"Glad to see you care, ladies," I herad Oregon's voice behind me. "Eh?" I questioned, confused. "We've been awake basically since you walked in!" Michigan exclaimed. "Oops," Iowa and I replied at the same time, smiling.

"Okay, since you all are up, we need to explain somethings. For awhile, you may feel dizzy, which is normal. You're neck will definetly ache for a little bit, and well, the A.I. can read your thought, emotions, and you can communicate in your mind. If you have any questions, just ask. We'll answer as best as we can, the Zeta or Eta might take over," Iowa said. I nodded.

"Also, get armored. We will be training today, leaving tomorrow sometime after lunch," I said. "And we got some intel on Vanguard. To Michigan and Oregon, they are Freelancer like enemies that have recently caught our attention," Iowa said, leaving me to say the rest.

"They have been following us, Well, mostly Alaska, Iowa, and myself. I am pretty sure they've been at each and every facility that we were at when retrieving our A.I.s. And the A.I. were made by Vanguard and are based off of their best agents, I think. Right, Zeta?" I asked. Zeta appeared, and so did Eta. "That is right," He said.

"Okay... This is actually a lot of information compared to what we had when we returned. How did you guys get it?" Alaska asked. "I kinda dreamed of it," I said. That sounded untrustworthy, and insane. "I don't exactly trust your dreams, Nevada. Sometimes, they can get rather weird," Oregon said. I shook my head.

"They weren't...dreams, exactly. They were memories, from Vanguard. Memories that the A.I. gave me," I said. They all nodded. "I'm guessing that's why the Director ordered that?" Michigan asked. Iowa and I shrugged. "No idea, Mich. I don't know all his secrets he's hiding from us, and I don't know his mind. I don't even want to know," I said.

"Let's go get armored. We'll take the training easy, at first, then we'll level up slowly. If you three experience any troubles, tell either Nevada or myself. we don't want you to get hurt, got it? If you don't tell us, Zeta and Eta will," Iowa said. They nodded.

We all got armored and headed to the training room. "FILSS, raise the pillars. The newer set like you set up for Montana and me," I called to FILSS. "Yes ma'am, Agent Nevada," She responded. "Would you like me to set up a timer? And/or a score board?" She asked. "No thank you. We're just training freely right now," Iowa called.

I nodded, agreeing with her. The pillars raised, casting shadows on the ground and us. They were arranged differently that when Montana and I fought. I liked it. The pillars were the same, just the layout was different.

"Umm, what are we going to do? You two have taken over the role of our 'coaches' , and we aren't going to argue with what you say," Oregon said. Iowa and I looked at each other, and shrugged. We didn't have a clue as to what to do.

"You guys didn't plan this at all, did you?" Michigan asked. Iowa and I nodded. Oregon sighed. "Why not an agility contest? as in who can reach that middle pillar the fastest?" Oregon said. I shrugged. "That's fine with me. What about you guys?" I asked, looking at Iowa, Alaska, and Michigan. They nodded.

"FILSS, place five markers on the floor, even distances to the middle pillar," I said. "Yes ma'am, Agent Nevada," FILSS responded. Five small, black platforms raised up about three inches from the ground. "Find a platform. Get ready. When we're all ready, I will tell FILSS to to start a countdown from ten. Okay?" I asked. They all nodded. We ran to our platforms.

"FILSS start a countdown from ten seconds," I called. 'Complying," She said.

The start buzzer sounded, and I raced to the sea of pillars.

I jumped to one of the lower ones, then bounded to another and another. I jumped to one of the higher ones, and barely caught it. I hauled myself up quickly. I was still several jumps ahead of everyone. I jumped for the rod on the middle pillar, grabbed it, and swung myself up. Just to get a better view all around me, I climbed to the top of the pillar. Crouching down, my head was only a few inches beneath the ceiling.

Iowa made it next. She caught the pole and dragged herself up and sat beside me. Really, it was no surprise that Iowa and I made it first. We're more nimble and we're faster than the others. Plus, our amor is lighter than all the others.

The next one to reach us was Oregon. Then Alaska, then michigan just seconds later. Somehow, we all managed to to fit on the top of the pillar. We all laughed. "Guys!" Montana called to us from the door. "Yeah?" I called back, turning toward her carefully.

"Turn toward the observation area!" She yelled. "umm," We all muttered. Iowa and I looked at each other and nodded. We carefully dropped down to the poles that were facing the observation area, on the sides. "Thanks!" Montana called. " Stay like that!" She called. "Okay, just hurry with whatever you are doing!" Alaska yelled.

Montana ran out the door and up the steps. We all looked towards the observation area window, to see Colorado and Georgia there, soon joined by Montana.

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