Audio Logs And Betrayal

664 21 7

Before The Storm

We loaded our weapons onto Sentry-01. "Everyone good on equipment?" I asked to Iowa, Michigan, and Alaska. "Yep," They responded. "Wait, Agent Nevada!" A worker called from across the hangar. He ran to us, panting. "The Director told me to give you this.. He said it's for... Chi, I think," He said, still out of breath. He handed me a silver disk.

I took it, remembering that it's an A.I. chip. I nodded, understanding why he gave us this. "Thank you. We need to leave. We have somewhere to go," I said, glancing quickly behind me to the others, and Sam. "Ah, yes ma'am. Hope you come back. Oh, and he also told me to give you these," He held his hand out, and two sets of dogtags dropped down.

I smiled grimly. "Thank you. Good bye," I said. The worker stepped away from the pelican. He saluted just as the hatch closed. This felt like a final goodbye, but I sincerely hoped it wasn't. I sighed, and walked to the front of Sentry-01. I stopped infront of the wall that seperates the front from the back. There were two hooks, side by side.

I looked at the dogtags. I placed Oregon's on the right one, and Ash's on the left. I locked both hooks in place. they were probably meant for a weapon holder of some kind. I nodded. I walked into the front. I entered the front of it. "Chi," I called. She appeared. "Yes?" She asked.

"Transfer to this. The pelican has a slot for you, and I'm pretty sure we'll be getting other vehicles that we can transfer you to," I said. She nodded. "Okay, that makes since," She said, disappearing for a minute, then reappearing above the chip. "Transfer complete," She said. I nodded. I found the slot. It was to the right of Sam.

"This is our A.I. Her name is Chi. She will help you, Sam. I hope you won't try to, but if you try to take her, she is linked to our A.I.s, and will send out a signal. Don't even try to lay a finger on her, got it?" I said. I could tell I was being extremely protective of the A.I., but I didn't care. I didn't want anything to happen to them. I've kinda grown attached to them.

"You got it. Go sit down, we're leaving," He said. Maybe I can get used to the new guy. He didn't seem all that bad, maybe he would grow a since of humor, eventually. I walked to the back, and took my seat beside Iowa.

"Zeta, Eta, Omicron, Kappa, i need you guys to display the map of the base we're heading to," I said. "You got it," Zeta said. A few seconds passed, and a large, blue holographic map appeared. "Mark our drop point, please," Michigan said. A red circle appeared on top of a large building. I nodded.

"Possible area where the plans might be?" Iowa asked, leaning in to get a better look around the place. "I am sorry, but that is unconfirmed," Omicron said. "Damn. That makes things that much more complicated. And this place is huge. How are we gonna make this work, and not take us forever to finish?" Alaska asked. "When we get there, we will have a better scan of the area, and pinpoint different areas where the target might be," Kappa said.

I nodded again. "But, these plans that you are looking for might not contain anything useful, though, of course, it can be the schematics for future plans for other A.I. units," Eta said. "Why wouldn't it be useful?" Iowa asked, looking at him. "Partly because it was unique to our family. Each plan, though it's a program that stores the data needed to create A.I., is usually used for only one A.I. unit. Our was considerably bigger, allowing several of us to be made. Ours could only be used for five A.I. units," Zeta said.

"But there's six of you," Michigan pointed out. I looked at him. "I guess we never told you. Zeta and Eta were once a single A.I. Of course, they were basically two A.I. put together, so the spilt up, and became the two we have right now. Right, Zeta, Eta?" I asked looking at them. They nodded. "Yep," They said.

"Oh, okay. I always wondered why they were so close. And why they picked you two," Alaska said. I smiled. "That's right to, Alaska. It's exactly why we picked Neva and Iowa. From the data that Kappa, Omicron, Chi, and Pi all collected, we decided that they would be the best," Zeta said.

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