Darkened Spirits

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Before The Storm

We kept our weapons pointed at the unknown team. "I said, put your weapons down!" The first man yelled again. I felt my eye twitch. This is getting no where... "You put your weapons down!" Iowa yelled, the blades on her enerygy sword extending. I could hear it extend.

The people flinched, but held their ground. I sighed. "If your UNSC, do you know of Project Freelancer?" I asked calmly, advancing toward the group. They stepped away. "Hold right there!" One man said. "I'm just asking a simple question. You fire, and my team will be forced to silence you all. Just answer the question," I responded, losing my patience.

"Yes... Project Freelancer... And how is this revelent to right now?" The first man asked. "I'd put your guns down. You're pointing them at Project Freelancer soldiers," I said. They immediately put their guns down. "We are sorry, ma'am!" They all said together. I nodded. "You have four mongeese. Two can ride on each one. Can we take two?" I asked, hoping they would say yes.

They just nodded, and retreated back to their mongeese. "Hold on. If you're UNSC, then can we stay with you guys for awhile, you know. For supplies. We also need to get our comm units working again, and get precious armor back to our command," Michigan asked. I nodded, agreeing with him. The leader, who was dressed in white camo, nodded. "That can be arranged, sir," He said.

Alaska, Iowa, Michigan, and myself nodded, walking to the mongeese. "Iowa, you drive. I'll ride on back," I said. "Kay. It's been awhile since I've driven on of these, though," She said. I could tell she was smiling. "Please don't try to go faster than the marines. I seriously don't want to flip," I said.

She got on the mongoose, and I hopped on back. Alaska was driving the other, with Michigan on the back. We started the engines up again, and followed the marines.

We arrived at a gate, leading inside the wall. We had to discard the mongeese at one of the garages when we first entered the gates. The UNSC facility was huge. There were so many over laying walk ways.... The whole structure rose up about six stories. And the width was about a mile... I don't want to work here. It's probably a maze. I hate mazes.

"Follow us. Our command center is just up the road," The leader said. I nodded, and kept a hand on my magnum. I didn't exactly trust these guys, and I couldn't actually tell if they were actually UNSC or not. Call me paranoid if you want, I just take extra precautions.

We arrived at one of the taller buildings. "Just up this elevator. Once we talk with Commander Griffin, we'll arrange transport to your crash site, then we'll probably let you take one of the older pelican's bacl to your base," The leader said. "Thank you," Iowa and I said. He just looked up at us and nodded.

We stepped into the elevator. Last time I was in one of these, I had to break it. Not the funnest of memories. Not the funnest of missions either. It consisted of a lot of sneaking around corners, and, eventually explosions. Of course, this was before I came into Project Freelancer.

A ding sounded, and the elevator doors opened, revealing a large, black room with the UNSC logo on the side walls. A large screen was on the back wall opposite of us. A wooden desk sat in the middle of the room, with a middle aged man, with greying black hair and brown, clear eyes, sitting in the rolling chair. Four marines stood in each corner, each armed with either an assault rifle or SMG.

"Ah, Bravo-03. I didn't expect you back so soon. And who have you brought with you?" The man asked. "Commander, sir," They all saluted their commander. "These are Project Freelancer soldiers. They crashed just out side the east west wall," The leader said. We Freelancers just stood awkwardly behind them, not knowing what to do, or say.

The commander looked angry. "Haven't I told you to never trust outsiders?! They could be Insurrection for all we know!" The commander yelled. The marines in front of us flinched slightly. The guards in the corner inched forward. "Sir, if I may, we are Freelancers. We crashed, and lost two of our friends and teammates. We swear that we are Freelancers," Alaska said.

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