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Before The Storm

---With Montana and C-O---

Vanguard had both of them in the same, small, dark cell. They were kept behind a energy wall, which they could see and talk through, but if they touched it, it would burn. C-O should know. When they woke up behind it, she slammed her hand against it. She was lucky that she had the spandex, because it only burned through that, saving her hand.

Both of them were cut and punched in the face, but other than that, they haven't been touched. Everyday at noon, a random soldier would comeby, and drop two trays of food for them. It was obvious that they were keeping thr two Freelancers alive, but the reason, to them, was unknown.

In their cell, there was only two cots, and that's it. Nothing else. Just a day ago, there used to be a dead body. One unlucky soldier took too long when he opened the small door on the far left of the cell, and Montana dragged him into the room, and brutally snapped his neck. They searched him, but he didn't have any weapons, or anything they could use.

But they put something in their food the following day, which knocked them out, and removed the body. Both of them have refused to show their face, and when they're eating they turn around, and face the corners of the room.

It was four in the morning when C-O shook herself awake, thinking she heard footsteps. She was right. A man in white scout armor stood just outside the energy shield, it illuminating his armor. C-O growled quietly. Montana was curled in the corner, the blankets tightly wrapped around her. They didn't like the cots, so they mostly slept on the floor.

"So, Freelancer, I just came to say that your friends are dead. You won't see them again," He said. "Show me their bodies, and I might believe. You can't defeat the others. They'll slam you against the ground, and take you out in the most painful way possible. I'm imagining it now..." C-O laughed maliciously.

"Let me ask tell you something, Freelancer, I would kill you right now, but our boss doesn't want us too. I'll admit, you're friends aren't dead. But my boss started this 'game' with them. I doubt they'll survive it. You won't, either. You're just bait to us, luring in the big catch. Now, who's the one with the strange armor? I want to get my revenge," He said.

C-O just looked at him blankly, knowing who he was talking about. What did he need with Neva? "Okay, you aren't going to tell me. So, what's your name?" He asked. "I'm not going to tell you," C-O simply said. "If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?" The man asked. Just then, a man in white mark five walked to the original man. "Hey, Tracer, I hope you know we aren't supposed to talk to them," The new man said.

"God dammit, Echo! I was trying to get information from her!" Tracer yelled. C-O smirked under her helmet. "Information on what? How to hook up with her? Seriously dude. You've grown pathetic. Come on," Echo said, pushing Tracer out of the room. At first, Tracer tried to resist. But the effort was futile, and Echo knocked him to the ground. A sigh was heard from Tracer, who pushed himself from off the ground.

Tracer laughed, and tackled Echo to the ground. C-O raised an eyebrow, and smirked, remembering Iowa and Nevada. Tracer and Echo started to wrestle, but when they noticed that C-O was still watching them, they got up, dusted their armor off, and left adruptly.

Again, C-O raised an eyebrow at them. "That was probably the most random thing I have seen in this place so far," Montana said, sitting up. She stretched, and multiple pops were heard from her neck, shoulders, and elbows. C-O nodded with a laugh. Sure, they were joking and laughing at the moment, but that's not how's it's been.

They've been struggling to keep warm, keep their wounds clean, and basically get the hell out of the base. They just hope their team would come and get them, and soon. They betted that Vanguard's hospitallity will change over time, and they'd die off, slowly, but surely. It was best to have their fun while it lasted.

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