Objective Four

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Before The Storm

Iowa shook my shoulder. "Come on, Neva. Get ready. Fifteen minutes till drop," She said. I nodded. "You got it. I'll be ready in just a sec, Iowa," I popped my neck and stretched. It felt good to get a decent night's sleep after so long of worrying over the mission.

I looked around to find Alaska. "Is Al not coming with us this time?" I asked. She shook her head. "Nope. If what Pi said was correct, this place is the least guarded. So only us two are going in," She responded.

I nodded, putting my helmet on. "Will I need my sniper this time?" I asked. Again, she shook her head. "Nope. Pi said it was a rather straight forward objective, and, with all of the Ai's, we should be able to get in and get out. It's not really guarded," She said.

"Okay," I responded, unlocking my weapons from beside my seat. I grabbed my pistol and placed my spikers on the holders on my thighs. It felt good to have small weapons again. The hatch opened.

I looked down to scout out the area. Most of it was open metal passageways, and there was only three buildings. One branched off into the north, one to the south, and one to the east.

"This should be easy," I said. "See? What did I tell you?" Iowa asked. I just smiled and shook my head. "Time to jump you two!" Alaska called.

We jumped

----With Michigan and Oregon----

"Mich!" Oregon called, running to catch up with his friend. "Yeah, Oregon?" Michigan asked. Oregon smiled. "You would not believe who the engineer was talking to!" Oregon exclaimed.

This caught Michigan's attention. "Who?" He asked. "Nevada, and he mentioned Al and Iowa!" Oregon said. "That's great! At least we know they aren't dead, now," Michigan responded.

Oregon nodded. "Are you guys talking about me?" The engineer asked from behind them, making Michigan and Oregon both jump. The engineer smiled.. "Ah, I guess so, sir," Michigan said, looking at him.

"Is it true that Nevada, Iowa, and Alaska are alive? We haven't heard a single word from them since before they left," Oregon asked. The engineer looked at him. "You heard my conversation, didn't you?" He asked.

Oregon nodded. "It's okay. And yes, they are alive. And they'll hopefully bring back everything they were sent for. I don't doubt them, but the odds of success are about one to one hundred. Incredible that they managed so far," The engineer said, smiling like nothing was wrong.

"So you're saying that they have a very high chance on dying?" Oregon asked. The engineer nodded. "You basically sent them to their deaths, sir. Those odds.. I don't think anyone can handle that," Michigan said.

The engineer shook his head. "They can. Those three. Would you rather have had more people with less experience sent out their, and lose more, or just the three?" When Oregon and Michigan didn't answer, the engineer turned to leave.

"I do believe you get my point, so I am leaving. Just remember not to share any sort of information with any of your colleagues... If you do, there will be consequences," He smiled and left, leaving Michigan and Oregon to stare at his retreating back.

----Back to Nevada and Iowa----

"Seriously, what did we do to get signed up for this?" I whispered to Iowa as we snuck around several large cargo carriers. "No idea, Neva.I wish I knew..." She whispered back, checking around a corner.

"Chi, Omicron, Pi. I need you guys to help us locate another of your siblings," I said, looking around. They came up. "Okay. We will start the scan, but, because of the metal they used on this facility, it may be difficult," Chi said.

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