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Jamal: Would you like to go on a date with me?
Sami: I'd love to!
Elayna: Where's Sami?! Something's going on with Sami's disappearance and the teachers are involved.
Annika: Hi! I'm Annika! I'm new!!
Sarah: Take this locket, Annika. Find the treasure in that house. It's your turn now. Unleash your power.
Jamal: I'll help you find the treasure!
Danya: We're the only students who know about the treasure. We're a club. Sibuna. Anubis backwards.
Elayna: Sibuna?
Tyler: Am I finally a part of Sibuna?
Hunter: I want in on your little club.
Mark: Will you go out with me?
Savanna: Yes!
(Mark and Savanna kiss.)
Jamal: Will you be my girlfriend?
Annika: Yes!
Danya: Tyler, wait! I'd love to go to the Dance with you.
Sami: They say I'm the Sorceress because my birthday is on the summer solstice. The Sorcerer is a boy and his birthday is on the winter solstice.
Annika: When's the summer solstice?
Sami: June 21.
Annika: That's my birthday.
Jamal: Annika, you're the Sorceress!
(Annika puts the Cup together.)
Sarah: You've done it. But the evil in the House is still inside of the Cup. Hide it. Keep it safe.
(Annika hides the Cup under the stairs.)
Rufus: I'm going to kill all of you since you tricked me!
(Hunter shoots Rufus.)
Hunter: I killed somebody....
Jamal: The Sorcerer must be one of us boys.

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