Chapter 15

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                              The next day at school, Elayna and Sami walk to the student lounge together.
"Which team are you on?" Sami asks. "Team Jamantha or Team Jamannika?"
"I don't know!" Elayna says. "I ship them both SO hard! It's tearing me apart! My ships!"
Elayna runs into a boy with light skin and dark hair with blue eyes.
They stare at each other.
"Um-" Elayna clears her throat. "Watch where you're going!"
Elayna walks away, hurriedly. Sami quickly follows.
"What was that?!" Sami smiles. "It looks like you have a crush!"
"Ew! Never! I'm leaving!" Elayna runs away.
In Mrs. Andrews's room, Annika, Jamal and Danya look around for the book.
"It feels nice to see again!" Danya sighs. "I got really worried!"
"Just look for the book!" Jamal says.
They look and Annika finds it.
"I found it!" Annika cheers.
"Yes!" Jamal says. "Now let's go put all 9 books on the shelf in the tunnel!"
After school, Hunter goes to Tyler and hands him a flyer for Donkey Day.
"What's Donkey Day?" Tyler asks.
"It's a way to raise money to pay for my private investigator." Hunter smirks.
"But it says it's for starving donkeys!"
"It's a lie, idiot."
"You're so sick." Tyler walks away.
At Hades House in the living room, the boy from earlier goes to Elayna.
"Hey." He says.
"Why are YOU here?! Are you following me?!"
"No! I'm moving in. I'm replacing someone named Mark.." He explains.
"Who ARE you?" Elayna asks.
"I'm Tommy. And you are?"
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
"You can dream, lover boy!"
"You're pretty rude!"
"Yeah, no dip!"
"It's my first day and I already have an arch nemesis!"
"This is gonna be an interesting year.." Elayna smirks.
Later, Annika, Jamal and Danya go in the tunnels and arrange the books so they spell out; ROBERT FROBISHER.
The books glow and a golden cube appears from the dust.
"What's this?" Annika grabs it.
"It's probably what's supposed to go in the compartment in the wall so it can open!"Danya suggests.
"The compartment is triangle-shaped. This is a cube." Jamal says.
"It still must be important somehow." Annika states.

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